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Archive for May, 2010

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Another Celebrity Rejects HopeyChange

Friday, May 28th, 2010

Wow, even the mooniest of the Hollywood moonbats is jumping off the Obama train. Television personality Olivia Munn is more than just a pretty face and hot body – this girl has got a voice, and isn’t afraid to use it in showing her disgust towards our president for not legalizing gay marriage. “It’s ridiculous [...]

New York City To Cops: Drop Dead

Friday, May 28th, 2010

A more accurate headline would read, “New York City Values the Lives of Criminals Over Police Officers.” The city suggested legislation that would force police officers to shoot suspects in the arm or leg instead of center mass. I was always trained to shoot to stop the threat. That means shooting at center mass. I’m [...]

Frogs Shut Down Greek Highway

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

Who knew there were that many Frenchmen in Greece? Heh. Greek officials say a horde of frogs has forced the closure of a key northern highway for two hours. Thessaloniki traffic police chief Giorgos Thanoglou says “millions” of the amphibians covered the tarmac Wednesday near the town of Langadas, some 12 miles east of Thessaloniki. [...]

80-Year Old Kills Home Invader

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

Where did this happen? In “gun-free” Chicago, Illinois! The man, and army veteran, shot and killed the intruder after he entered the residence. The scumbag was carrying a gun, so I offer my congratulations to the army veteran. Go home and sleep well tonight. You did the Windy city a service. An 80-year-old Chicago man [...]

NY Bus Drivers Do A Spit Take

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

And by “take,” I mean they take advantage of policy designed to help injured workers. This story should shock me, but it’s New York, so . . . Thanks to a bizarre MTA policy and a union contract, city bus drivers are taking an average of two months off each time a rider spits on [...]

Shut Yer Pie Hole!

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

Or else you may get some custard in it. Unless of course you are from England, whose team was just crowned World Custard Pie Throwing Champions. Seriously. An English team triumphed beating competitors from as far afield as Germany and South Africa in the contest in Maidstone, Kent. Despite usually being associated with comedy characters [...]

It’s Funny When It Happens To Them

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

Aww, Iran and Russia are having a lover’s spat. The nations are at odds because Russia has agreed to UN sanctions against Iran relating to their nuclear program. Perhaps Russia, an Iranian ally, finally saw the sense in standing with the rest of the world against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s murderous regime. Or maybe the Russians figure [...]

Humpday History Highlight

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

May 26, 1985 – Code Monkey Born Today is the birthday of my dear friend, fellow blogger, and techno-Yoda Code Monkey. Born in the Great Smokey Mountains, she was raised by wolves – and Presbyterians – until she was 13 years old. She was then shipped off to the big city with a wool coat [...]

Bill Clinton Rear-Ended

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

Monica Lewinsky is the prime suspect, and the Connecticut State Police are holding her dress as evidence until a black light can be procured from the Yale dorms. Actually, it’s not what you think, although there is a good chance that Clinton’s pants were off at the time of the fender bender. Former President Bill [...]

School Kid Throws Bottle At Sarkozy

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

Ironically, the French president was on hand to speak about violence in schools. I wonder how that worked out for him? Notice that while Sarkozy is not exactly Mr. Popularity anymore, his wife – supermodel Carla Bruni – only gets phone numbers thrown at her. The funny thing with Nicolas is that apparently, even French [...]

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