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Think About The Children!

By Wyatt Earp | February 28, 2010

In the past year, President Barack Obama has made some interesting choices for his Cabinet positions. Similarly, he has surrounded himself with a few people of less-than-reputable character. Some would say the man has made some serious errors in judgment, but at least he is not taking the advice of celebrity bimbos, right?

Eh, wrong. This week, Colombian pop star Sharika met with members of Obama’s National Security Council. Seriously. Shakira!

This bastion of diplomacy and caked-on makeup – is the subject of this week’s Family Security Matters article. Here’s a taste:

Have you ever noticed that whenever the government or some consumer advocate tries to impose its will upon us, someone always says, “It’s for the children?” No matter what the cause, there is always a person telling us to think about the children. The legislation could involve appropriations for nursing home bedpans and still the kids are thrown in people’s faces. Celebrities usually chant this mantra, and while some of them are truly in it for the good of the kiddies, others are either in it for themselves, or because they want to abide by the terms of their bail.

There is no reason to think that the motives of Colombian pop star Shakira are anything but pure. Even so, her rug rat-centric platform is opening a lot of doors; especially the ones in front of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Earlier this week, the Latin bombshell was able to arrange an unscheduled meeting with the most powerful man in the world. That must be nice, since the president’s own daughters have to make an appointment to see dad.

The Shakira meeting was puzzling at best and inconceivable at worst. In the past year, the economy has dropped faster than Nancy Pelosi’s face, unemployment numbers are larger than Alec Baldwin’s ego, and President Obama’s poll numbers are lower than the average teenager’s pants. The president is a busy man, but for someone who has a lot of work to do, the president always seems to make time for nonsense involving celebrities.

Please read the rest of teh goodness by clicking here.

Topics: FSM | 8 Comments »

8 Responses to “Think About The Children!”

  1. Watuschskie Says:
    February 28th, 2010 at 8:25 pm

    I ain’t gonna comment on those white house bimbos!

    BTW: Charles over at LGF has really, really flipped out. Of course he’s been ranting all those left wing birther, racist, anti-religion, anti Sarah Palin and phony polar bear killing global warming rants since he changed sides, but the height of his madness is that today he is showing his leg-tingling moonbat love and admiration for Fat Albert (Gore). What a disturbed nut!

  2. Rick Says:
    February 28th, 2010 at 9:06 pm

    God Help Us!

  3. Ralph Short Says:
    February 28th, 2010 at 9:54 pm

    Before I go to the “rest of the story” this is both truthful about the bimbo Prez and bimbo who was allowed in for a “serious discussion”.

    We really do have some “technical problems” don’t we.

  4. The Jack Sack Says:
    February 28th, 2010 at 10:20 pm

    Lapdances are hard to come by when you’re President. Obviously, the guy needed to unwind a little.

  5. Fenway_Nation Says:
    February 28th, 2010 at 10:55 pm

    BTW: Charles over at LGF has really, really flipped out. Of course he’s been ranting all those left wing birther, racist, anti-religion, anti Sarah Palin and phony polar bear killing global warming rants since he changed sides, but the height of his madness is that today he is showing his leg-tingling moonbat love and admiration for Fat Albert (Gore). What a disturbed nut!

    Hmm…..we’ll have to feign shock and pretend we didn’t see this coming for weeks if not months ahead of time.

    Then again, some of us shall continue to wear our ejection from that cessepit as a badge of honor.

  6. Fenway_Nation Says:
    February 28th, 2010 at 10:57 pm

    Oh….and I’m sure there are attractive, intelligent and articulate women who can express their worldview without sounding like a braindead vapid bimbo…..but *ugh*……these celebutards make it easy to draw the worst possible conclusion.

  7. Robert B. Says:
    March 1st, 2010 at 10:04 am

    I think i would have said “unemployment rates are larger than Alec Baldwin’s IQ.”

    Other than that, spot on, mate.

  8. Wyatt Earp Says:
    March 1st, 2010 at 5:30 pm

    Watuschskie – I left a while ago and haven’t looked back. Johnson isn’t worth my time.

    Rick – I think the liberals banned God in 2008.

    Ralph – Something is rotten in the state of this presidency, that’s for sure.

    TJS – And really, can you blame him?

    Fenway_Nation – I was banned. Proud of it, too!

    Robert B – Damn, where you before my deadline?