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Phillies Pitcher Gets Into Scuffle With Fan

By Wyatt Earp | June 28, 2009

<i>Phillies relief pitcher J.C. Romero.</i>

Phillies relief pitcher J.C. Romero.

Philadelphia Phillies reliever J.C. Romero is like school in the summertime: No class.

The Philadelphia Phillies confirmed Saturday that one of their players was involved in a confrontation with a fan following Thursday’s game at the Tampa Bay Rays.

The St. Petersburg Times reported on its Web site Saturday that Phillies reliever J.C. Romero grabbed and shoved Robert Eaton, 25, of New Port Richey, Fla., after the fan made two comments about steroids.

Now, that’s funny – because it’s true!

Romero was suspended for the first 50 games of the season after testing positive for androstenedione, a substance that Mark McGwire used in the 1990s that was later banned by baseball. Romero, who earned two wins in Philadelphia’s World Series victory over Tampa Bay last year, has sued the manufacturer of an over-the-counter supplement that he said led to his positive test.

Eaton told the newspaper he called out to Romero after a couple of Phillies brushed off his requests for autographs, asking the left-hander to get him some steroids. After Romero told him to shut up and that he didn’t know what he was talking about, Eaton said he replied that Romero was the one who’d been suspended recently.

“He reared back and kinda grazed my chin and grabbed me by the neck and threw me back,” Eaton told the newspaper. “I was in shock.” (H/TCBS3)

Okay, a few thoughts here:

1. Eaton is a jackass, but his comments were funny. Romero is a steroid-abusing tool, so the comments are also accurate. That being said, however wrong Eaton was here, Romero topped that in spades when he shoved him.

2. Romero is a jackass for letting Eaton get to him. Be the better man and walk away. You don’t shove a fan because – like it or not – the player is expected to act like a professional.

3. None of this would have happened if Romero wasn’t using a banned substance to begin with. It’s pretty hypocritical to get bent over a steroids comment when you just served a 50 game suspension for them! And besides, when Romero was using steroids, he wasn’t exactly Roger Clemens. 4-4 in the regular season with 4 blown saves? God, this loser can’t even cheat right!

Topics: Evil = Funny, Philly | 7 Comments »

7 Responses to “Phillies Pitcher Gets Into Scuffle With Fan”

  1. Old NFO Says:
    June 28th, 2009 at 8:43 pm

    Doesn’t deserve to be in the majors…

  2. RT Says:
    June 28th, 2009 at 10:02 pm

    Actually…Romero is suing the company of the supplements he took. The substance he tested for wasn’t included in the material for the stuff.

    He snapped.

    It is one of the few time I will come to defense of an athlete. If, down the road, he’s as guilty as the intentional users, then so-be-it.

  3. Wyatt Earp Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 1:12 am

    Old NFO – I’ll bet there are more than a few pitchers with common sense who would like Romero’s job.

    RT – We’ll see. Either way, he overreacted.

  4. Doghouse Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 11:10 am

    And apparently he can’t even take out a fan right, if all he did was graze his chin.

  5. Randal Graves Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 11:39 am

    At least Romero didn’t take it out on his wife. I’m just sayin’.

  6. MeToo Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 1:28 pm

    Sounds like a little residual “roid rage” to me. What an idiot.

  7. Wyatt Earp Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 4:23 pm

    Doghouse – I know. Maybe he needs some steroids to bulk up?

    Randal – *cough* Brett Myers *cough*

    MeToo – Complete dumbass.