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Philadelphia Police Officer Shot, Critical After Robbery

By Wyatt Earp | October 31, 2007

Sorry for the lack of posts, everyone, but I’ve been kind of busy today. I doubt this entry will be coherent, because most of us are still in shock.

Philadelphia Police Officer Charles Cassidy is out of surgery after being shot in the head during a robbery this morning, and last rites have been administered. A medical team at Albert Einstein Medical Center is trying to stabilize his blood pressure and reduce swelling in his brain.

Police said that Cassidy, a 25-year veteran, stopped into Dunkin’ Donuts in the 6600 block of North Broad Street about 10:30 a.m. as part of his morning routine. Johnson said he regularly checked on local businesses where recent robberies had occurred. Cassidy entered at the same time a robber pulled a gun and demanded money. The gunman spun around and fired at least one shot at the officer.

Johnson said that the gunman shot the officer once in the head and that the bullet lodged in his brain. The officer fell near a trash can and the gunman then took the officer’s gun. Police are conducting a massive manhunt in the area.

The robber was described as a heavyset African American man about 5-foot-11 to 6 feet tall wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, tan khaki pants and tan boots, and with a spiderweb tattoo on his left hand. He may have been carrying an extra hoodie that is black with gray stripes. (H/TThe Philadelphia Inquirer)

(If you think you know this person, please call the Philadelphia Police Homicide Division at 215-686-3334.)

Captain America has more on the story HERE.

The first person to make a donut shop joke is banned from SYLG. Seriously. I have known and worked with Chuck – no one calls him Charles – for two years now, and he is the first officer shot that I have known personally. Chuck was shot a mere seven blocks from our headquarters. It would behoove you not to make jokes.

The above is a clip from The Inquirer, but here’s the gist of what really happened:

The listed Dunkin Donuts has been robbed point of gun a few times in the last two months. Thus, the officers in the 35th District made it a point to check on the store regularly. Chuck stopped by today at about 10:15am. He pulled up in his patrol car, and entered the store. The scumbag, cop-shooting piece of garbage was at the front of the line holding up the store point of handgun. There were a few people behind the shooter.

Chuck walks in the door, and the shooter quickly turns around and points the gun at him. Chuck, surprised, moves back and goes for his pistol. The shooter fired one round at Chuck, which struck him in the head. Chuck falls, and the shooter runs out of the store. Amazingly, this piece of detritus comes back, bends over Chuck and takes Chuck’s service pistol before fleeing the scene. There is a video of the shooting, and our Crime Scene Unit is currently doing their best to enhance the images of the thug.

Soon thereafter, we hear sirens flying up Broad Street. An officer comes into the Division and says that there’s an officer down. Everyone not currently working on a job – and a few who are – drop everything, grab their vests and radios, and bolt out the door. The only thing we know is that the officer is being transported to Albert Einstein Medical Center.

After too many anxious minutes, the rumor starts going around that the officer involved is Chuck Cassidy. The rumor is soon confirmed, but no one can believe it. Not Chuck. He’s always careful. He always wears his vest. He’s a great cop. Can’t be him.

It is.

I talked to the first detective on the scene, and immediately ask, “How bad?” He replies, “Dude, there’s so much blood. I don’t think he’s gonna make it. We need a miracle.” The shock gets worse. At last report, Cardinal Rigali has given Chuck Last Rites.

Let me tell you a little bit about Chuck Cassidy. He’s a terrific person and a great cop. And yes, I know everyone says that when there’s a tragedy, but this time it’s the truth. He never had a bad word to say about anyone, and was friendly with everyone. Chuck has been a police officer for 25 years, and while some old-timers are counting the days to retirement, Chuck was beating rookies to priority radio calls. He is full speed ahead all the time. That’s why he’s so popular.

Now let me tell you a little bit about me. When work gets busy, I get crabby. When I get crabby, I get mean. And when I get mean, I take it out on others. Chuck and I usually got along swimmingly, but the last time he brought up a job, I was in a terrible mood. I can’t remember exactly, but I think I was a little rude to him. Frankly, I am rude to a lot of people when I get into one of those moods. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but now it’s consuming me. The last time I talked to him, I think I was rude to him.

And now he’s in very critical condition with a bullet lodged in his brain. And I can’t apologize to him. I can’t tell him that I’m sorry.

Please pray for Chuck, his wife, and his three children.

Topics: Cassidy Assassination, Philly, The Job | Comments Off

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