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Wrestling Legend Body Slams Man To Death

By Wyatt Earp | March 6, 2009

<i>Verne Gagne</i>

Verne Gagne

Jesus, this is a terrible story.

MINNEAPOLIS — During his glory days as a pro wrestler, Verne Gagne shared the spotlight with other burly men in trunks, guys with names like Killer Kowalski, Mad Dog Vachon, The Crusher and Baron Von Raschke.

But all of that seemed well in the past until just weeks ago, when authorities say Gagne, 82 and suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, apparently body-slammed a 97-year-old fellow patient at the suburban nursing home where they both lived, causing the man’s death.

My God. Can you imagine?

Bloomington police are investigating, but not even the victim’s widow wants to see the dementia-stricken Gagne prosecuted.

Helmut Gutmann, a former cancer researcher who suffered from dementia himself, died Feb. 14, about three weeks after breaking his hip in the confrontation. Authorities ruled his death a homicide.

Police said there was no clear indication of what set Gagne off, and neither man could remember the incident afterward. Behavior and personality changes are common as Alzheimer’s progresses, and victims of the mind-robbing disease can become agitated. (H/T - FOXNews)

Both my grandmother and my wife’s grandmother battled Alzheimer’s before they died. I can tell you from experience that it is a terrible, terrible disease.

Topics: The Job |

8 Responses to “Wrestling Legend Body Slams Man To Death”

  1. Alan B Says:
    March 6th, 2009 at 4:08 pm

    Deeply sad for all concerned. The body is the same but the mind, the person you always knew, slowly disintegrates and fades before your eyes.

  2. USA_Admiral Says:
    March 6th, 2009 at 4:26 pm

    A terrible story that will have no good ending. I hope in all honesty I don’t live long if I get Alzheimers.

  3. RT Says:
    March 6th, 2009 at 5:51 pm

    That’s is a real shame. How painful for both families.

  4. Diller Says:
    March 6th, 2009 at 9:12 pm

    Attended an old friends funeral Thursday,who died from Alzheimer’s complications, he was diagnosed with it in 05, I had worked with him several times a month for 20yrs,and by late 07,he did’nt recognize me at all. This was a man with a great sense of humor, and very sharp. I found out there seems to be a genetic disposition in his family Dad,two sisters and a brother had it,or have it now. It is so sad and frustrating for the person and their family and friends,I pray that there is a cure found soon. Maybe some of this money that is gonna be pissed away by our Govt.,could be used to help research and care for this horrible disease?

  5. Rick Says:
    March 6th, 2009 at 9:33 pm

    A tragic story. And a terrible disease.

  6. Sully Says:
    March 7th, 2009 at 8:33 am

    Sad… all around.

  7. CaptainAmerica Says:
    March 7th, 2009 at 9:30 am

    The guy said he could put Verne in a figure-four leg lock and Vern said, “No you can’t.” . . . COME ON!!!

  8. Bookdoc Says:
    March 7th, 2009 at 2:18 pm

    I’ve already decided that if I am diagnosed with Alzheimers I will end it then. My wife and family know. I worked my way through college working in nursing homes so I know. BY the way, smokers show a far less chance of developing it so I am a smoker.
