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The Last Wonderful Time Of The Year

By Wyatt Earp | March 9, 2010

Today is a bittersweet day for me, because it is the start of my final season as a high school lacrosse coach. I liken it to a forced retirement because after 84 years, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has decided to close our school, Northeast Catholic. I am fairly certain that I could find another coaching job- especially since we have already been offered a position at another Diocesan school – but I’ll be 41 at the end of the season, and with the kids getting more involved in activities, it’s best to go this year.

I have been involved in this wonderful sport for 23 years as a player – at Saint Joseph’s University – and as a coach – at Holy Ghost Prep, Father Judge, and North Catholic. Playing was the highlight of my sports life, and while I never saw myself coaching kids, it has been a true privilege. No one will ever honor me with a Coach of the Year plaque, but there is no person in this city that loves the game more than I do. As far as sheer enjoyment and love, the only sport that even comes close to lacrosse is hockey.

In the end, I can be satisfied with the fact that I had a pretty good run. My time is over now, but thankfully, my son Kyle is carrying on the tradition. He will be starting his third year as a player in the Abington Youth League, and his interest in the sport overwhelms me. I’ll be able to see a lot of him this year, because I told the league organizers that I could volunteer some time as an assistant coach.

As for North Catholic, I will really miss the school, the program, and the players. The man I coach with – Luke Hogan, the brains behind the operation – and I have a unique honor. We are the only coaches who have been at the school for the length (13 years) of the program. Hopefully, we made a difference there.

Topics: Lacrosse | 9 Comments »

9 Responses to “The Last Wonderful Time Of The Year”

  1. Mrs. Crankipants Says:
    March 9th, 2010 at 1:59 pm

    I’m certain your team know how fortunate they are to have you as their coach. Enjoy the season.

  2. Morgan Says:
    March 9th, 2010 at 4:20 pm

    I wish you and your team the best this season, Wyatt.

  3. Wyatt Earp Says:
    March 9th, 2010 at 8:23 pm

    Mrs. Crankipants – Two of the kids I coached at Judge are cops in my division now. Makes me feel really old.

    Morgan – Thanks. Just 11 games this year, so we have to start off right.

  4. Mrs. Crankipants Says:
    March 9th, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    They turned out well, you should be proud that you most likely had an influence on them. And you’re not old! You’re experienced, mature, enduring, long-lasting, practiced, skilled, time-honored, versed, veteran, and vintage!

  5. Wyatt Earp Says:
    March 9th, 2010 at 8:47 pm

    Mrs. Crankipants – Wow, someone is aiming for gold and diamonds!

  6. Mrs. Crankipants Says:
    March 9th, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    I do like shiny things….

  7. RT Says:
    March 9th, 2010 at 9:00 pm

    While it is sad that the school is closing, it is good that your kids will see more of you. :)

  8. Bitter American Says:
    March 9th, 2010 at 10:54 pm

    That’s such a shame. I’m a major LAX fan. It’s too bad the big shots downtown don’t always see the small stuff the destroy when they make this kind of decision. For me, West was never the same after they merged the Boys’ and Girls’ campuses.

  9. bob (either orr) Says:
    March 9th, 2010 at 11:44 pm

    What puzzles me most, Wyatt, is they set up a very cool magnet program at North that isn’t going to be replicated elsewhere.
    And what strikes me as odd is that none of the all-girls schools got the axe. Shouldn’t they have merged North and one of the all-girls schools up that way???
    I’ll offer private views on the diocesan superintendent if you’d like.
