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Tales Of The Unexplained

By Wyatt Earp | August 31, 2009

BRITISH-RED-CROSSThere are so many things wrong with this story that I don’t know where to begin. Suffice to say, this woman is equally as disturbed as the person in which she was “involved.”

You may want to get the duct tape before reading. Trust me on this.

A nurse in Great Britain has been arrested over claims she had a four-month fling with a violent rapist who was being held in a mental health ward at a British hospital.

Rhoda Makambaire, who is married with a child, was accused of having sex sessions with brutal rapist Kelly Edney, 29. They allegedly had relations in the Berkshire, U.K., hospital’s mental health ward – a section for patients who are deemed incurable or show no signs of remorse.

The rapist, who also has convictions for arson, assault and hoax bomb calls, allegedly told cops in explicit detail about his affair with Makambaire. (H/TFOXNews)

I have to be honest: I can’t think of anything to say here.

Topics: WTF? | 12 Comments »

12 Responses to “Tales Of The Unexplained”

  1. TexasFred Says:
    August 31st, 2009 at 8:50 pm

    Some things just can’t be explained… This is one of them…

  2. RT Says:
    August 31st, 2009 at 9:53 pm

    Maybe she is just as cracked in the head. Gross.

  3. Randal Graves Says:
    August 31st, 2009 at 10:53 pm

    He probably has a huge mule.

  4. Heltau Says:
    September 1st, 2009 at 12:19 am

    Allah works in mysterious ways.

  5. Rides A Pale Horse Says:
    September 1st, 2009 at 1:01 am

    A clear case of um…………uh…….

    Geez…….I can’t think of anything to say either.

  6. Wyatt Earp Says:
    September 1st, 2009 at 1:03 am

    TexasFred – you got that right.

    RT – Most likely.

    Randal – Lots of junk in the pants? Ya think?

    Heltau – Obviously.

    RAPH – No, it’s pretty frakked up.

  7. MeToo Says:
    September 1st, 2009 at 9:50 am

    Don’t think I’d be touching this one with a ten foot pole!

  8. USAdmiral Says:
    September 1st, 2009 at 11:56 am

    There is someone for everyone?

  9. TexasFred Says:
    September 1st, 2009 at 1:30 pm

    As Dean Martin used to sing:

    Everybody loves somebody sometime….

  10. Jon Brooks Says:
    September 1st, 2009 at 2:50 pm

    Hasn’t any woman ever told you gents she wants an affair with, no strings, no regrets and no remorse?
    She found the perfect mate. Simple. :)

  11. Wyatt Earp Says:
    September 2nd, 2009 at 10:57 am

    MeToo – Heh, heh, “pole.”

    Admiral – Someone creepy, anyway.

    TexasFred – But usually not in a mental institution.

    Jon – Until he rapes her, anyway.

  12. Jon Brooks Says:
    September 2nd, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    “But usually not in a mental institution”

    I should not have been reading that when drinking orange crush. My sinus cavities are cleaned out now.