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Archive for June, 2009

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Infomercial King Billy Mays Dies

Sunday, June 28th, 2009

It’s been a sad week for the entertainment industry. Mays was only 50 years old. And yes, Captain America scooped me on this one. Television pitchman Billy Mays — who built his fame by appearing on commercials and infomercials promoting household products and gadgets — died Sunday. Mays, 50, was found unresponsive by his wife [...]

Five Remaining “Jena Six” Plead No Contest

Sunday, June 28th, 2009

Remember this case? Six black males were charged with the attempted murder of a classmate, Justin Barker. After the attack, the “Jena Six” claimed Barker was beaten because he shouted racial epithets at them. Because, you know, that would totally justify attempted murder, right? Guess who the media and the race-baiters believed? Al Sharpton, Jesse [...]

A Sunday Morning Funny

Sunday, June 28th, 2009

I am still laughing at that last chinchilli gunfighter.

Grace Amazin’, We’re Barn Raisin’

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

In this topsy-turvy, bust a cap in yo’ ass world, many local governments are installing surveillance cameras throughout their municipalities. They are (hopefully) seen as a deterrent to crime. While the jury is still out as to the cameras’ effectiveness, one thing is for sure: it is a good bet that a large urban city [...]

A Very Belated Movie Review

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

I had the extreme pleasure of watching 3:10 to Yuma last week, thanks to the blessed creation that is TiVo. (Showtime was running it.) I didn’t expect a whole lot, since it only grossed about $53 million during its release, but with Russell Crowe and Christian Bale headlining the film, I had to see for [...]

Monica Conyers Pleads Guilty To Conspiracy

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

Oh, this is just delicious. Conyers is a true piece of garbage. A foul-mouthed, corrupt, racist waste of air. She knows it. Her husband, Democrat Congressman John Conyers knows it. Now you know it. It almost makes up for Congress’ decision to bankrupt America yesterday. Almost. Detroit City Council President Pro Tem Monica Conyers pleaded [...]

America’s Most Dangerous Sport?

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

According to the brain surgeons at LiveScience, it’s cheerleading. Seriously. Cheerleading safety efforts have led to modest reductions in the number of serious injuries in recent years, according to a new report about college and high school sports and cheerleading mishaps. But cheerleading continues to cause more serious and deadly injuries by far than other [...]

Weekend Caption Contest

Friday, June 26th, 2009

Pout For Justice Caption Contest (Source: Reuters) Submit your original caption for this photo in the comments section, or e-mail me your photoshop entries. The winners will be announced on Monday June 29th. Good luck! Original Caption: U.S. President Barack Obama listens to questions during a news conference in the Brady Press Briefing Room of [...]

Grunters Making Noise At Wimbledon

Friday, June 26th, 2009

Apparently, the ladies at Wimbledon are making a racket. Heh. LONDON – After a week of shrieks, wails and squeals dominating the headlines at Wimbledon, outgoing WTA chief Larry Scott said the tour could no longer turn a deaf ear to the grunting phenomenon that has swept women’s tennis. Instead of marveling at the quality [...]

Elementary School Celebrates Communism

Friday, June 26th, 2009

And you’ll never guess where the school is located. Okay, I’ll give you one guess: Give up? Show me Berkeley, California! The little hippie bastards also celebrate marijuana. You know, because what fifth grader doesn’t enjoy smoking the reefer before arts and crafts? This kind of nonsense is exactly why I shell out a lot [...]

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