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The Most Wonderful Time O’ The Year

By Wyatt Earp | March 2, 2009

<i>This will be our situation for a week or two.</i>

This will be our situation for a week or two.

Today is the first official day of lacrosse season. For those of you new to SYLG, I am the assistant varsity lacrosse coach at Northeast Catholic High School here in Philly. I’ve been coaching lacrosse for 17 years, and I have been at North for 11. Normally, I would be really excited about today . . .

. . . but Philadelphia is in the grips of a major snowstorm, which does not bode well for outdoor lacrosse.

This fraks up our entire season – we were due for our first scrimmage next weekend – because practice is next to impossible in a high school gym. It also doesn’t help that with as much snow as we’re getting, our field won’t be playable for at least a week. When your sport only lasts ten weeks, every single day counts. Swell.

The only good thing is that every other team in the league is in our situation. Other than that, Mother Nature gave my team the big F.U. today. Dang.

Topics: Lacrosse | 7 Comments »

7 Responses to “The Most Wonderful Time O’ The Year”

  1. Doghouse Says:
    March 2nd, 2009 at 6:45 pm

    You’re not one of those coaches who make them go out in shorts (“to keep the game pure”) while you’re bundled up like an eskimo, are you?

  2. Wyatt Earp Says:
    March 2nd, 2009 at 7:05 pm

    Doghouse – Hell no. I can wear shorts in all kind of weather – comes from running cross-country in high school – but our kids wear sweats during the first few weeks. If they’re comfortable, they play better.

  3. Bitter American Says:
    March 2nd, 2009 at 9:42 pm

    LAX with snow, huh? In some countries they call that,…hockey! ;-)

  4. Alan B Says:
    March 3rd, 2009 at 9:05 am

    Lacrosse: something you have to thank the French for!

    “The game became known to Westerners when a French Jesuit Missionary, Jean de Brébeuf, saw the Iroquois tribesmen play it in 1636.”
    (Wikipaedia article on “Lacross”)

    I noted something else a bit further down:

    “Box lacrosse (or indoor lacrosse) is an indoor version of the game played by teams of six on ice hockey rinks where the ice has been removed or covered by artificial turf.”

    Ah. That’s why the Marshall likes it.

  5. BadIdeaGuy Says:
    March 3rd, 2009 at 3:43 pm

    Wyatt, I had no idea you coached lacrosse. I played defense/long-stick midfield/sometimes goalie growing up with friends, in high school, and club in college. I really miss it, but work unfortunately won’t allow a coaching gig or anything like that.

  6. Wyatt Earp Says:
    March 3rd, 2009 at 4:02 pm

    Bitter American – Ice hockey and lacrosse are my #1 and #1a favorite sports.

    Alan B – It is also the national sport of Canada. One might think it would be ice hockey.

    BIG – It’s difficult for me, too. I was a head coach at Holy Ghost Prep School for four years until work became an issue. I played in college (Saint Joseph’s University) and have been coaching since graduation.

    Kyle (my 8-year old) is in his second year of playing. He loves it.

  7. Bitter American Says:
    March 3rd, 2009 at 10:03 pm

    Wyatt – Wings or Barrage?
