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Tension Between Blacks, Jews Escalating In NYC

By Wyatt Earp | May 22, 2008

Not to worry; I’m sure Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are enroute to quell the tide. /Snark.

NEW YORK (CBS) ― Police are mobilizing a massive presence in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn in the wake of increased tension between black and Jewish communities.

Leaders from both communities have come together recently to preach cooperation among residents of the neighborhood where blacks and Hassidic Jews live side by side. But recent violence has showed that religion and race don’t always mix.

“I definitely feel [like there's unrest] because I see it everyday. I’m around here a lot and that’s what I’m hearing,” said Crown Heights resident Anthony Rios.

Another resident, Joe Morgenstein, agreed, saying he hears “a lot of racial slurs all day” in the community.

Since 1991, when riots broke out after a 7-year-old black boy was killed by a Hassidic driver, Crown Heights has been hurt off-and-on by periodic tension. In the past month, 20-year-old Andrew Charles, who is black, was beaten up, and the suspect is Jewish.

Then last week, 16-year-old Alon Sherman, who is Jewish, had his jaw broken while being allegedly robbed by two black teens. The attackers were arrested Thursday. (H/TDrudge)

Apparently, the tensions started after blacks and Jews argued over which part of Sammy Davis, Jr was giving him his talent. Heh.

Yeah, I’m going to Hell.

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