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Chuck’s Assassin "Out Of It Mentally" In Court

By Wyatt Earp | May 23, 2008

Good. Maybe he’ll kill himself in his jail cell.

John “Jordan” Lewis, accused of killing Police Officer Chuck Cassidy, entered Courtroom 903 with his hands cuffed in front of him, and a metal belt wrapped around his waist to further restrict his movements.

It’s a damned shame he didn’t trip and fall onto a sword 23 times. Frakkin’ vermin!

Dressed in a gray prison sweatshirt, he looked depressed and wore thick, round black-rimmed glasses. His hair, now short, has grown back since he shaved it sometime before his January preliminary hearing on murder, robbery and weapons charges.

Of course he’s depressed. He knows he’s getting a date with a syringe. And he cannot die soon enough.

Lewis, 21, of Hunting Park, yesterday faced a misdemeanor trial on a drug charge. Municipal Court Judge Jimmie Moore is expected to rule on the case June 17.

Maybe the judge will give him the death penalty for that, too?

Lewis had appeared in the Criminal Justice Center for a status listing on the drug case Nov. 2, two days after he allegedly shot Cassidy. Cassidy, 54, died Nov. 1.

And that still enrages me. This filthy animal walked into open court two days after he assassinated our friend. I hope the jury remembers that when Lewis’ attorney tries to convince them that his client showed “remorse.”

Michael Coard, Lewis’ defense attorney, acknowledged after yesterday’s proceeding that his client was depressed. “He’s out of it mentally and emotionally,” he said.

Nice try, but that’s not going to save his fat animal ass.

Coard said he recently learned from Lewis’ mother that Lewis has “serious vision problems.”

Lewis apparently didn’t wear glasses before “because he was on the street; he didn’t want to look nerdy,” Coard said.

Oh well, let’s just let him go free. He was abused because he was a nerd. Last time I checked, Bill gates didn’t go around killing police officers!

Coard also said he has been trying to speak to prosecutors to work out something in Lewis’ potential death-penalty case in the Cassidy killing. “Ultimately, my goal is to limit the loss of life beyond what we already have,” he said.

Frak. You. Like you give a damn about Chuck or his family. This filthy animal deserves to die, and in my opinion, lethal injection is not nearly painful enough.

He claimed that prosecutors would not even give him a chance to discuss “any reasonable resolution.” (

Why would they? Lewis admitted his assassinated Chuck on live television moments after his capture! This case is a home run, and unless the Cassidy family requests it, a deal should never be considered. Ever.

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