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Sweatin’ To Los Presidentes

By Wyatt Earp | January 19, 2008

My newest article is up at Family Security Matters. I think it’s pretty funny, but I’ll let you folks be the judge. Here’s an excerpt:

Hello, my name is Richard Simmons, and I am here to discuss a matter which is very close to my heart – namely, the deteriorating health of Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Some negative Nellies are even saying that Fidel has already perished. These are not positive people, and their bad energy is ruining Cuba’s Feng Shui. Usually I am a very positive, upbeat person, but not today. Not while El Presidente is feeling so blue. This I assure you: Mr. Castro’s health is not fabulous.

A report published this week claims that Fidel Castro is not healthy enough to campaign for Sunday’s parliamentary elections. This is so sad. Unfortunately, he is healthy enough to sport those God-awful, Tony Soprano sweat suits. Good Lord, man, where have you been shopping? Just because you are running unopposed is no reason to sacrifice some style. I’ll hook you up with a delightful Lane Bryant representative. They do good work.

If you’d like, you can read the rest of the article HERE.

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