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Sports Shorts

By Wyatt Earp | December 11, 2007

Today’s stat sheet. Click to embiggen.

This is the first time all season that I have posted a stat sheet from our Fantasy Hockey League. There is, of course, a reason for this: my team usually sucks. Recently, through no actions of my own, my players have started scoring like gangbusters.

(I don’t even know what that term means, but it sounds good.)

Nevertheless, I have been catapulted from 6th/7th place a few weeks ago, to the near pinnacle of the league. And, since I know that I always cough up a lead – I have only won the championship once in ten-plus years – I wanted to show everyone that Team Wyatt was in Second Place on December 11, 2007.

Now, please excuse me while I plummet to Vincent Antonelli (He’s on the sheet as MoDo) territory.


It’s that time of year, golf fans. It’s time to join Peakah’s Yahoo! Fantasy Golf League! There were fifty participants in last year’s league, and although I finished the season in the top 15, RT finished better that I did.

This will not stand. That broad joins up this year, I’m gonna go medieval on her arse.

You can get all of the sign-up info HERE.

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