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Peyton Place

By Wyatt Earp | September 4, 2006

Once in a while, Ol’ Wyatt gets lucky.

Oh, grow up! I meant in the four-leaf clover, horseshoe sense. A sergeant in my detective division is running an NFL “33” league, where each player gets an NFL team, and if that team scores 33 points, the player wins the pot that week. The cost is five dollars a week for sixteen weeks – the course of the season. Natch, I jumped in with both feet; thus emptying the pool.

The teams were chosen by random last night, and posted in the detective division. When I came in this afternoon, I checked out the list. If I got stuck with the Texans, I would have probably given in my season’s fees before the first game. I slowly made my way down the list, found my name, and read the team next to it:


I quickly turned to my co-workers, raised my arms in the air, and shouted, “Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I got the Colts!!!” The chances that a high-powered Peyton Manning offense will score 33 points are pretty damned good. Gimme my money now.

Life is good.

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