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I’m No Art Critic . . .

By Wyatt Earp | September 23, 2006

“Deadly Approach in Tombstone”

. . . but I know what I hate. And I don’t hate this. Unlike the kids, I brought back little from our trip to Arizona: a University of Arizona football jersey and this print I purchased in Tombstone. It’s entitled, “Deadly Approach in Tombstone” by D. Wyatt Taylor, and shows Doc Holliday, Morgan, Wyatt, and Virgil Earp walking to the O.K. Corral. The print is a limited edition, and is signed by the author. Had to have it.

Today, the good folks at Deck the Walls finished its framing, and it is now securely fastened to my wall – surrounded by armed guards.

Now I can focus upon what is really important – my fantasy hockey draft. Keep your fingers crossed that I get a better team than Vinnie, Badger, Fish, Louie the Lock, Other Kev, Sean, Ant, Rob, Grimjack, and Deathlok.

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