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Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy

By Wyatt Earp | August 19, 2006

Here are a few blog links to get you through your weekend.

Unlike Fidel Castro, GOP and the City’s Weekend Caption Contest is up and running. Post your entry now. Or later, since he won’t be back until Monday, 8/28.

RT has a unique contest going on over at Public Pondering. Limericks. I’m not kidding. Stop by and take a shot, but don’t bother with “The Man from Nantucket,” I already tried that one. Heh.

Stella Piccolo – she’ll always by “Pandy” to me – has found a half-decent server, and is back to blogging (from Italy) on a regular basis. I’m going to ask her to ship me some dirt from the Coliseum floor, preferably stained with the blood of a gladiator.

Deathlok has an astute hockey observation here.

Tomorrow is the last day to ask me your questions for Basil’s Interview. Fire away here.

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