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ACORN Invades Philadelphia

By Wyatt Earp | March 7, 2009

MCNABB LIMBAUGH QUARTERBACKActually, they are invading the suburbs, because that’s where the money is. There’s no point in protesting drug dealers, right?

Their victim? Philadelphia Eagles owner - and close, personal friend of Vice-President Joe Biden - Jeffrey Lurie.

Twisting a Philadelphia sports slogan, about 30 protesters stood at the gate of Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie’s Wynnewood mansion yesterday and shouted, “Pay, Eagles, pay!”

Wow, 30 protesters? Barack Obama really helped boost their numbers!

Under the watch of about a half-dozen Lower Merion Township police officers, members of the activist group ACORN held a half-hour “tailgating” protest, complete with grilled hot dogs, at dusk. The protesters contended that the Eagles still have not shared with the city money from rents on luxury boxes from when the team played at Veterans Stadium.

30 protesters stood outside for 30 minutes. Yeah, that’ll get Lurie’s attention. During this spectacle, Jeffrey was able to watch an entire episode of Phineas and Ferb.

Pointing out that Mayor Nutter has proposed cutting some city services, ACORN activist Junette Marcano of the Oak Lane section said it was important to look at ways to raise revenue without reducing services. Low- and moderate-income communities, which ACORN works to help, rely heavily on city services, she said.

“These are resources we should look at instead of making cuts,” Marcano said. “There are other ways of getting revenue instead of cutting services such as police and firehouses and libraries and rec centers.”

“We could use that money to cut the budget shortfall,” Phillips said. “We’re going to be calling out other people who owe the city money. We’re moving down the list.” (H/T -

Hmm, I wonder if they have protested outside Mayor Nutter’s residence? I wonder if they protested outside John Street’s residence? (He still has a large outstanding balance on his utilities.) I wonder if they protested outside the homes of the thousands of inner-city residents who haven’t paid their back taxes?

Or is ACORN just worried about “certain” people who owe the city money? I wonder.

Topics: People I Hate |

2 Responses to “ACORN Invades Philadelphia”

  1. Glocksman Says:
    March 7th, 2009 at 2:32 am

    I don’t live in Philly and I don’t give a shit about the Eagles, so keep that in mind when answering this question.

    Does ACORN have a point?
    If the team actually owes the money and various politicians are softpedalling it, then more power to ACORN.

    If not and ACORN is trying to extort money from the team, then fuck ACORN.

  2. Wyatt Earp Says:
    March 7th, 2009 at 12:12 pm

    Glocksman - ACORN says the Eagles owe money. While that would not surprise me, I do not know if it is true or not. If it is, then they can protest all they want . . . if they also protest the other people and organizations (of all races) who owe the city money. Believe me, there are plenty of them out there.
