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Nuns On The Run

By Wyatt Earp | October 11, 2007

What the Hell is going on with nuns today?

KAZIMIERZ DOLNY, Poland – Court officials backed by 150 police pushed their way into a convent in eastern Poland on Wednesday to evict about 65 rebellious ex-nuns and a monk who have occupied the complex illegally for two years.

The women had taken over the building in a rebellion against the Vatican, which had ordered the replacement of their mother superior, Jadwiga Ligocka.

After a locksmith forced open the gate to the walled convent in the eastern Polish town of Kazimierz Dolny, police in riot gear pushed forward, encountering an onslaught of verbal aggression from some of the ex-nuns from the Sisters of Bethany order, police spokesman Mariusz Sokolowski said.

“They were swearing at policemen,” Sokolowski told The Associated Press from outside the complex. Others, however, were cooperating with police who were trying to remove them, he said. (H/T – )

Personally, I think they should send in the National Guard. Let’s see how the nuns’ rulers would fare against a few AK-47′s.

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