Have something you want to say? A tip, suggestion, compliment (compliment?), complaint, or pictures of Christina Hendricks? Send them in.
The idiotic opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone, and in no way reflect the views of the Philadelphia Police Dept.
SYLG does not necessarily agree with or otherwise endorse any particular comment just because it appears here. Abusive, threatening, or otherwise inappropriate comments will be deleted immediately and commenting privileges will be revoked.
A friend and fellow parishioner of Clay’s named Samuel Leathers sent me this funeral announcement and brief description of the Right Wing Prof’s life. I wanted to share it with you. Clay Marc Bond, beloved choir member, reader, and treasurer-elect of Holy Trinity, fall asleep in the Lord early this morning at Valley View Home [...]
My frequent commenter, fellow Penguins fan and blog friend Right Wing Prof lost his battle with cancer this morning. Xopher posted this comment on the Prof’s blog: My beloved companion and dearest friend fell asleep in the Lord at 1:45 this morning, after a short struggle against an overwhelming foe, with the sweet acceptance that [...]
You may remember this post from November, where I asked you all to pray for my friend and fellow blogger Right Wing Prof. He had been diagnosed with lung cancer and was transferred to a rest home/hospice. In the two months since that post, the Prof’s health has rapidly deteriorated. So much so that his [...]
My friend and fellow Pennsylvania blogger Right Wing Prof has been diagnosed with lung cancer. It has been a tough month for the Prof, who slipped and fell a few weeks ago, fracturing his spine. He was released from the hospital a few days later, but the docs found the cancer shortly thereafter. This despicable [...]
Thursday, May 24th, 2007
Editor’s Note: You know you’re tired when you’re thinking up ideas like this. It may be the first in a series, depending upon whether or not you folks think it’s funny. Good evening, and welcome to Blogger Battles! My name is Guy Smiley, and I’m coming to you live from a nondescript oil tanker in [...]