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Snooki Channels Phyllis Dill-er

By Wyatt Earp | November 1, 2010

I’m sure it’s not the first time someone “slipped her the pickle.”

Snooki costumes rule this Halloween — celebs from Joan Rivers to Kelly Ripa to Melissa Rycroft to ‘Jersey Shore’ tough guy Vinny Guadagnino have already dressed up as the petite, party-loving ‘Jersey Shore’ star this week. Ellen DeGeneres even delighted/disgusted fans by dressing entirely as Snooki’s famous ‘poof’ hairdo.

But last night, Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi made them all green with envy at a costume bash in Vegas. Dressed as a pickle (or is she a sparkly green queen armed with a giant pickle scepter?), the 22-year-old MTV star paid homage to her favorite tasty treat at the ‘Nightmare in Jersey’ celebration.

Personally, I think this costume is a stroke of genius. If she strikes out at the party, she can still get some action afterward – IYKWIMAITYD.

Topics: Babes, Evil = Funny | 27 Comments »

27 Responses to “Snooki Channels Phyllis Dill-er”

  1. rodney dill Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 7:17 am

    A little pickle tickle?

  2. Jon Brooks Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 7:32 am

    Going with the Katy Perry Sesame Street theme Snooki
    (would anyone really name themselves that?) goes in her
    ‘Pickle me Elmo’ garb.

  3. Wyatt Earp Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 7:56 am

    Rodney – Judging from the size of the scepter, it’s a BIG pickle tickle.

    Jon – She’s holding out for “Tickle Me Situation.”

  4. Mrs. Crankipants Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 8:00 am

    And it’s a double header! I would imagine the bigger end is reserved for The Situation’s ass.

  5. Mrs. Crankipants Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 8:08 am

    By the way, her “pickle” looks like it’s seen some action.

  6. Wyatt Earp Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 8:27 am

    Mrs. Crankipants – Her pickle probably has a bad case of the crabs Old Bay seasoning.

  7. Mrs. Crankipants Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 8:36 am

    It’s amazing how much suet she managed to cram into that hideous green dress. Although, I do like her shoes.

  8. Wyatt Earp Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 8:54 am

    Mrs. Crankipants – Yeah, I like the cans, but they’re offset by the rest of her.

  9. Mrs. Crankipants Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 9:20 am

    That’s disgusting. They’re shoved up so high, they’re practically in her throat, it’s a wonder she can breathe.

  10. bob (either orr) Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 9:29 am

    Snooki redefines “airhead.” Say no more!

  11. Wes S. Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 10:19 am

    Lovely. Her “pickle” is roughly the same shade of green that yours would be if you were foolish enough to have unprotected sex with her…

    Shouldn’t CDC have quarantined her by now?

  12. Bitter American Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 11:37 am

    I agree w/ Wes! I think I just turned green THINKING about doing her,…..

  13. Mrs. Crankipants Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 11:45 am

    When your skin is the color of an orange fruit roll up, your lipstick shouldn’t be the same shade as a dog’s anus. It’s a fashion no-no.

  14. Veeshir Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 12:06 pm

    Heh, I’ve never seen Snooki, I’ve only seen people (and South Park characters) trying to look like her.

    I will say that she’s a little more disturbing than the vid “Pickle Surprise”.

  15. Ferrell Gummitt Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 12:21 pm

    Mrs C or Anybody: Can somebody please explain what “Snooki” or the Kardashians have actually done?

    Maybe nobody can, I never understood what Anna Nicole Smith did either.

  16. Wyatt Earp Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 12:28 pm

    Mrs. Crankipants – Yeah, ain’t it great!

    Bob – Should have “Goodyear” tattooed across her face.

    Wes S. – She might be a zombie.

    B.A. – Must be all the algae.

    Mrs. Crankipants – And why would you know what a dog’s anus looks like?

    Veeshir – Now you’ve seen her. You’re in love, right?

    Ferrell – Not a damned thing.

  17. Ingineer66 Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 12:32 pm

    Did you see Frank Caliendo as Snooki on the Fox pre-game show yesterday? Now that was pretty funny.

  18. Mrs. Crankipants Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 1:30 pm

    I had a quality control job in college testing canine rectal thermometers.

  19. Old NFO Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 1:32 pm

    I was wondering if she was going to ‘ride’ it home…

  20. Wyatt Earp Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 1:40 pm

    Ingineer66 – I didn’t. Now I wish I did.

    Mrs. Crankipants – On dogs or humans? Because I used to volunteer for medical testing . . .

    Old NFO – Like a broom or a pogo stick?

  21. Ingineer66 Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 6:00 pm

    I wouldn’t touch her with your pickle.

  22. Mrs. Crankipants Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 8:57 pm

    I knew you looked familiar, I just couldn’t place the face, or um, never mind.

  23. Wyatt Earp Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 9:20 pm

    Ingineer66 – Good thing, because my pickle could tickle her from across the room. (Okay, not really.)

    Mrs. Crankipants – I answered to “Fido.”

  24. Code Monkey Says:
    November 1st, 2010 at 11:22 pm

    Petite? Short, maybe, but petite?

  25. Veeshir Says:
    November 2nd, 2010 at 9:28 am

    See Ingineer, I would do her with Wyatt’s pickle.

    Just so I could hand it back and tell him where it’s been.

    But I’m kind of a jerk that way.

  26. Wyatt Earp Says:
    November 2nd, 2010 at 9:35 am

    CM – Yeah, and Mama Cass was “slightly overweight.”

    Veeshir – Like I would touch my own pickle without a haz-mat suit!

  27. Rick Says:
    November 2nd, 2010 at 9:21 pm

    I hate to think about what you could catch from her
