It’s Bill Belichick’s Answered Prayers
By Wyatt Earp | February 17, 2008
Fear not, Patriots fans: the citizens of Nicaragua think your team won the Super Bowl! Unfortunately, U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (Idiot – PA) is already conducting an investigation into the “rigged” t-shirts.
MANAGUA (Reuters) – Shirts and caps proclaiming the victory of the New England Patriots — when the American football team actually lost the latest Super Bowl — have ended up in the hands of poor Nicaraguan children.Hundreds of shirts and caps, which had been manufactured in advance to celebrate the Patriots’ expected victory over the New York Giants, were handed over to children in the southern city of Diriamba.
“The children are the winners,” said Miriam Diaz, of World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization. (H/T – )
They certainly are the winners. Well, they are winners compared to the Pats. Heh. Maybe Nicaraguan television can air a commercial of Tom Brady saying he’s going to “Contra-Disney World?”
The funniest part about this story is this: considering our sad excuse for border security, these shirts and caps will be in America before the month is out.
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