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Is This The End For Jack Bauer?

By Wyatt Earp | November 13, 2007

Apparently, I picked the perfect time to get caught up on Heroes . . .

In a surprisingly candid admission, [Executive Producer Joel] Surnow told students that “From a creative standpoint, his story is close to over. But from a business stand point, the show is in profit. They picked us up for two more years, and we kind of have to find ways to keep his story going without repeating itself. That’s what we struggle with every day. Where does Jack Bauer go from here?” (H/TAmerican Spectator via Kitty)

Someone might want to tell Surnow that he and his staff are losing that struggle. From my perspective, 24 started throwing in the towel on the series late last season. Why?

  • The final moments of Season 6 – the tender moment between Jack and “Corky” Heller – were ridiculous and insipid.
  • The hiring of Janeane Garofalo was a major casting mistake.
  • The writer’s strike is suspending Season 7 indefinitely. (Not Surnow’s fault, but it still hurts.)
  • Season 7 sees Tony Almeida back from the dead and stealing plotlines from Die Hard 2.

Everyone knew that 24 would eventually end, but I doubt anyone would think the series would go out with a whimper. If Surnow was smart, he would have called it a series after Season 5. Instead, the show has been jumping more sharks than Evel Knievel.

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