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Evel Knievel, 1938-2007

By Wyatt Earp | November 30, 2007

America has lost an icon.

(CNN) — Evel Knievel, the motorcycle daredevil whose stunts — including an attempted leap over Idaho’s Snake River Canyon — made him a popular cultural figure, is dead, according to his Web site, He was 69.

Over his career, Knievel was said to have broken practically every bone in his body — some multiple times. With his red-white-and-blue jumpsuits, shock of hair and stone-faced mein, he was a fixture on ABC’s program “Wide World of Sports” in the 1970s, his stunts perennial ratings-grabbers.

Knievel’s most famous stunt was probably an attempt to jump the quarter-mile wide Snake River Canyon in 1974 on his rocket-powered “Sky-Cycle.” (He had hoped to jump the Grand Canyon, but couldn’t get permission.) The attempt failed, but the publicity was priceless. His fame even spawned a movie, “Viva Knievel!” in 1977.

Robert Craig Knievel was born October 17, 1938, in Butte, Montana. (H/TCNN)

Captain America has a terrific write-up of this story HERE.

I can still remember watching the Snake River Canyon jump with my Dad. Curiously, I had just blogged about Knievel yesterday, and today he is dead? Does this blog have the power supreme? Let’s find out . . .

Whoopi Goldberg told Larry King that she would be retiring from acting in October . . .

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