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It’s Back, Baby!

By Wyatt Earp | September 29, 2007

Hockey jersey? Check.
FHL Stat Sheet? Check.
NHL Center Ice Package? Check.

Don’t bother to call, e-mail, or otherwise contact me until sometime in early June. Why? Because hockey’s back!

The season opener is currently underway in London, England of all places, where the Anaheim Ducks are facing off against the Los Angeles Kings. (It can be seen on HDNET for you DirecTv customers, by the way.)

The start of the NHL season also means the start of the FHL Season. After drafting a decent fantasy team – in my opinion – I now sit back and watch the points roll in. Of course, since today’s game is the only one for the day, my hopes ride with Francois Beauchemin. Dang.

Oh well, it doesn’t matter. My reason for living has returned, and I can now watch a sport that doesn’t suck ass (read: baseball)!

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