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When Geezers Attack

By Wyatt Earp | August 23, 2007

Carmel’s old coots seen rebelling against “The Man.”

Good grief, and I thought cops liked their doughnuts!

Carmel, N.Y., officials are listening to their elders, and giving up at least part of a plan to ban doughnuts from senior citizens’ centers for health reasons.

Putnam County officials had proposed prohibiting free, day-old doughnuts from the county’s five senior centers, which serve about 1,000 lunches each day. Nutritionists questioned whether the doughnuts were suitable snacks for people over 65.

Seniors rebelled, saying they’re mature enough to decide what they eat. Some 250 people signed a petition blasting the proposal as a crummy idea. (H/TCourier Post)

According to spokesperson Abraham Simpson, the Putnam County officials’ ruling is certain to “angry up the blood.” The pajamas-clad Simpson then rambled on for an hour about wearing an onion on his belt “which was the style at the time,” before falling asleep, mid-sentence.

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