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Pimpus Maximus

By Wyatt Earp | August 29, 2007

Hot damn, it’s been a pretty good two weeks!

First, the all-powerful and all-knowing Ambulance Driver not only added me to his blogroll, but also linked this mediocre little blog, adding, “If you guys have never visited SYLG, make with the clicky and give him a read. He’s goooood.”

Then, this weekend, the lovely and talented ALa from Blonde Sagacity mentioned my Janeane Garofalo post and my baseball marriage proposal atrocity.

And then today, Bitter from The Bitch Girls was kind enough to link my post about that darned Dizz.

What do these three bloggers have in common? Well, first of all, they are about a thousand times more talented than I ever will be. Secondly, they have personal hygiene that is above approach. Thirdly, they all get an insane amount of hits every day. (All deserved.) And finally, their links have propelled SYLG‘s Site Meter into the stratosphere. As of 11:30pm on Tuesday, 8/28, this insipid little blog was topping 335 hits for the day!

So, why am I telling you all this? Well, partly because I keep pulling a Peter Griffin – “He, he, he, he, he, he, he” – and partly because I want to use my good fortune for good rather than evil.

What? I can change!

Any hoo, there are a lot of great blogs out there that don’t get the attention they truly deserve, and I wanted to let y’all know what you may have been missing. Besides, what good is a pimp if he doesn’t utilize an opportunity?

  • Captain America has an excellent rant about NYC’s fatal Deutsch Bank fire and the resulting maelstrom within the FDNY’s ranks.
  • Deathlok gives us the most difficult animated quiz . . . ever! Get these right and you’ll receive your Gen X Gold Card.
  • Miriam needs some blogging expertise. And since I’m an idiot . . .
  • RT breaks out the Mad Libs. Man, it’s just raining retro around the blogosphere!
  • And finally, Big White Hat shows us why he’s a terrific football coach . . . and an even better human being.

Thank you for checking out my friends’ links, and, as always, thank you for stopping by and reading my nonsense.

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