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An Attack From Beyond The Grave

By Wyatt Earp | December 28, 2006

You have to love Bob Woodward. One half of the investigative team that uncovered the Watergate scandal, this putz has done very little since. He’s like the football captain who peaked in high school, and is yearning for the Glory Days.

Today, he released carefully chosen excerpts from a 2004 interview with former President Ford, which criticized the Bush Administration for the Iraq war. The “story” appeared on the front page of most American newspapers this morning.

And people say there is no liberal media bias.

Look, the Bush Administration has made mistakes. I am not denying that. My problem is with both the timing of the released remarks – President Ford’s body isn’t even cold yet – and the manipulation of a former President’s death to attack a sitting one.

Bob Woodward is like school in the summertime . . . no class.

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