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Puck Me!

By Wyatt Earp | November 16, 2006

Well, it’s official: I suck at hockey.

We lost our game last night by a score of 5-3, and after six games Harrigan’s has one win, three losses and two OT losses. In those six games – all of which I played – I have one point. ONE FRIGGIN’ POINT!

It has gotten to the point where I think it may be time to hang up the skates. Seriously.

In the last few weeks, I have done little right. My passes were way off target, I missed golden opportunities to score, and my endurance has much to be desired. The gym is helping a bunch, but when I get on the ice, my legs don’t want to go as fast as I would like. It’s pissing me off. I wish I had more talent out there, but I simply don’t. And the worst part is that our next game isn’t for two more weeks, so I get to stew until then.

Sorry, everyone. Pity party concluded.

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