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White Sox? That’s Racist!

By Wyatt Earp | October 27, 2005

Thank God the Chicago White Sox swept the Houston Astros last night to win the World Series. By doing so, they got to “stick it to the man.”

See, the Astros have no black players on their pennant-winning squad. This is an injustice that rivals slavery, women’s suffrage, and the Khmer Rouge; at least according to pompous blowhard broadcaster Joe Morgan:

“Of course I noticed it. How could you not?” Morgan said while the Astros took batting practice before the opener in Chicago. “But they’re not the only ones. There are two or three teams that didn’t have any African-American players this year.”

Obviously, these teams are racist. Unfortunately for Morgan (and other race baiters of his ilk) he failed to notice the rest of the makeup of the Houston team:

Houston has a half-dozen Hispanic players – it was the first team to open a baseball academy in Venezuela, about a dozen years ago. Bench coach Cecil Cooper is black. Outfielders Charles Gipson and Charlton Jimerson, both black, played for the Astros during the regular season.

Will someone please ask Joe if he thinks the lack of white players in other leagues, such as the NBA, is a major problem? I’m busy wrapping my skull in duct tape again.

Thankfully, the voice of reason in this story is Chisox GM Ken Williams (who is black):

“We’re diverse because we’re looking for the best in talent and character,” general manager Ken Williams said before the Series started. “It just happened that way. I could care less what the makeup of the club is as long as it works as a whole.”

Topics: Duct Tape Advisory | 3 Comments »

3 Responses to “White Sox? That’s Racist!”

  1. fmragtops Says:
    October 27th, 2005 at 1:32 pm

    I’ve disliked Joe Morgan for a long time for reasons other than the racebaiting issue. This is just one more to add to the list of reasons I don’t like him.

  2. Steve Says:
    October 27th, 2005 at 4:38 pm

    Joe Morgan used to be a ball player I looked up to. But Fmragtops is right, over the years he has made some downright dumb observations. Does he really think that the Astros don’t want a black person on their team?!! Give me a break. Go on vacation Joe! You Moron!!

    My guess is that they may not be playing baseball as much as they used to. Since they assume that Basketball is a Black Mans game.

  3. Wyatt Earp Says:
    October 27th, 2005 at 6:32 pm

    Fmragtops – I was off his bandwagon when he and his partner were openly rooting for the Red Sox during last year’s Series. Way to be unbiased, guys!

    Steve – That is what the stats say. The number of blacks in NCAA baseball is down to 6%. I don’t know why that is, but the idea that races are better at certain sports is ludicrous. Grant Fuhr (who is black) was one of the greatest NHL goaltenders of all time. Larry Bird (who is white) is one of the greatest NBA players of all time. I just think this whole “issue” is a joke.