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Ex PSU Coach Faces Nittany Of Charges

By Wyatt Earp | November 6, 2011

Meet Jerry Sandusky (far left). Jerry was an assistant football coach at Penn State University, and Joe Paterno’s right-hand man. Sadly, it appears that Sandusky was using his right hand .

Sandusky is accused of sexually assaulting boys, mostly on the Penn State campus. Sorta dispels the claim that PSU is “all that’s good in college football.”

An explosive sex abuse scandal and allegations of a cover-up rocked Happy Valley after former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky, once considered Joe Paterno’s heir apparent, was charged with sexually assaulting eight boys over 15 years. Among the allegations was that a graduate assistant saw Sandusky assault a boy in the shower at the team’s practice center in 2002.

Good thing JoePa surrounds himself with quality individuals, huh?

And so does PSU. Gotta hire people who know how to cover up a crime.

Sandusky retired in 1999 but continued to use the school’s facilities for his work with The Second Mile, a foundation he established to help at-risk kids, where authorities say he encountered the boys. The case took on added dimension Saturday when perjury charges were announced against Tim Curley, Penn State’s athletic director, and Gary Schultz, vice president for finance and business. They were accused of failing to alert police of their investigation of the allegations.

Paterno, who last week became the coach with the most wins in Division I football history, wasn’t charged, and the grand jury report didn’t appear to implicate him in wrongdoing.

Yeah, and I’m sure the Penn State Kool-Aid drinkers will say JoePa knew nothing about this.

I find it interesting that I tell people that Paterno’s too senile to run the program, they jump down my throat, claiming he runs everything and is in full control of his faculties. Watch. Now those same people will say that ol’ Joe couldn’t know about this because he isn’t a “hands-on” type of guy.

Topics: Evil = Funny | 11 Comments »

11 Responses to “Ex PSU Coach Faces Nittany Of Charges”

  1. Smite A. Hippie Says:
    November 6th, 2011 at 6:30 pm

    Nittany – Well played!

  2. bob (either orr) Says:
    November 6th, 2011 at 7:16 pm

    The rumors have been out there for months now. So I wasn’t totally blown away about Sandusky.
    The coverup charges against Curley and Schultz don’t surprise me all that much, either, when I think about it.
    We talked with someone who’s a judge in another jurisdiction who’s been following the case since the rumors first hit. She read the grand jury presentment and said Paterno and the grad assistant were the only people directly affiliated with Penn State who did the right thing.
    PSU president Spanier’s comments after the Curley-Schultz indictment was announced were waaaaaaay out of line.
    Curley and Spanier have been trying to push Joe out for most of the last 15 years. What if they had succeeded and gone for Sandusky???
    As it is, I think Curley and Spanier should go… involuntarily, if necessary.
    And I think Joe was going to retire after this season, anyway; he reached two milestones — most D-1 wins, oldest D-1 coach — this season. That’s just about assured now. And any coach worth his salt won’t come to PSU as long as Curley and Spanier are around.

  3. rudytbone Says:
    November 6th, 2011 at 7:52 pm

    My wife worked with Sandusky and was involved in the establishing of the 2nd Mile foundation. The precautions they (Sandusky) went to ensuring that something like this could NOT happen were substantial. She can’t believe the charges and thinks there is a little gold digging going on. I don’t know Sandusky myself, and whatever the result, I hope the truth does come out.

  4. rudytbone Says:
    November 6th, 2011 at 7:54 pm

    Forgot to add….the deep pockets don’t belong to Sandusky. They belong to the 2nd Mile….it’s apparently well funded.

  5. bob (either orr) Says:
    November 7th, 2011 at 12:07 am

    Update: PSU board says Curley and Schultz are out.
    Why isn’t Spanier?

  6. Old NFO Says:
    November 7th, 2011 at 12:43 am

    JoePa knew… Whether that ever comes out or not, you can bet he knew…

  7. Jay Says:
    November 7th, 2011 at 4:05 am

    From Penn State to the State Pen.

  8. Ferrell Gummitt Says:
    November 7th, 2011 at 9:19 am

    If Sandusky is found guilty he needs to jailed for the rest of his life. Also, Joe Pa needs to step down or take administrative leave NOW!!

    Nothing lower than a pedophile. NOTHING!!!

  9. realwest Says:
    November 7th, 2011 at 12:43 pm

    As far as I can tell, Sandusky has been charged but not yet tried or convicted?
    I understand the rage most of us feel about pedophiles,
    but I’d strongly suggest we at least give him the presumption of innocence he’s entitled to.
    And I’d suggest you all read rudytbones comments above.

  10. Wyatt Earp Says:
    November 7th, 2011 at 1:04 pm

    Smite – Thank you. I’ll be here all week.

    Bob – That’s great and all, but JoePa got those records in the same way Favre got his: sheer longevity, not necessarily good coaching. A moron could coach as long as he has and earn those records.

    Rudy – We’ll see what it gets to trial, but if it’s true, it’s pretty despicable.

    Bob – Politics?

    Old NFO – He had to know something, IMO. He runs everything there. (Or so he claims.)

    Jay – The irony is delicious.

    Ferrell – JoePa should definitely step down if only because it happened on his watch. If Ohio State’s Tressel had to go, JoePa does, too.

    Real – Understood. He’ll get his day in court, and if he’s convicted, he should hang.

  11. DocRambo Says:
    November 8th, 2011 at 11:03 am

    Bob (above) have to disagree with the judge who said the Grad. Assis. and Paterno did the right thing. Both should have reported this abuse to the police immediately, not gone up the chain of command. Everyone involved should be dismissed immediately. I strongly suspect this is not limited to just two individuals in the administration–it has to go all the way to the top.
