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Republican Senator Ensign Admits Affair

By Wyatt Earp | June 17, 2009

Ensign AffairOkay, is this jackass week for senators? First, we have Dick Turban dabbling in a little insider trading. Now, we have Nevada Senator John Ensign dabbling in some hot campaign staffer.

Heh, heh, “staff.”

Well, if nothing else, Ensign admitted his shenanigans – something that Durbin has yet to do.

Nevada Republican Sen. John Ensign said Tuesday evening he is “truly sorry” about an affair he had last year with a campaign staffer, going public with an embarrassing admission about his marital infidelity.

I’m not excusing this, but notice how early this article mentions Ensign’s party affiliation. Second. Word.

The news certainly damages any hope Ensign has of running for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012 – he had fueled speculation about a presidential run with a recent visit to Iowa — and it may also hinder what has been a steady rise in Senate GOP leadership.

Eh, it probably does damage his presidential bid, even though some guys have used infidelity to their advantage. *cough* Clinton *cough*

Political insiders in the Senate and in Nevada told POLITICO that Ensign began an affair with a staffer several months after he separated from his wife. When Ensign reconciled with his wife, the sources said, he gave the aide a severance package and parted ways.

Sometime later, a Nevada source said, Ensign met with the husband of the woman involved and had what this source described as a positive encounter. Sources said that the man subsequently asked Ensign for a substantial sum of money – at which point Ensign decided to make the affair public. ()

Oh yeah, that guy really loves his wife. “Um, honey, it’s okay that you were plowing a senator. I am just really glad you’re back with me. Now, how can I parlay your sluttiness into a cash windfall for me?”


Topics: Politics | 8 Comments »

8 Responses to “Republican Senator Ensign Admits Affair”

  1. GroovyVic Says:
    June 17th, 2009 at 7:51 am

    How big was that package?

    The severance package!

  2. Sully Says:
    June 17th, 2009 at 7:54 am

    I give the guy points for going public with the story and how he’s handled the situation. It’s still not quite a wash, but it is in the forgiveness neighborhood.

  3. usmc8511 Says:
    June 17th, 2009 at 8:27 am

    Admits it, happened during a separation from his wife. Unlike a certain Democrat seeking the Presidency who was playing hide the salami while his faithful wife suffering from breast cancer campaigned for him. Can you say John Edwards.

  4. Randal Graves Says:
    June 17th, 2009 at 9:34 am

    This guys a typcial, bible-thumping hypocrite. Sure he admitted it, AFTER he got caught.

    “Sources said Ensign strayed while he was separated from his wife”…sure he was separated; how convenient.

    and the best part: “A born-again Christian, Ensign has been a member of the Promise Keepers, a male evangelical group that promotes marital fidelity.”…bible-thumping hypocrite!

    Who gives a crap what party he’s from, he’s just a typical politican.

  5. Rides A Pale Horse Says:
    June 17th, 2009 at 11:23 am

    For a:

    Republican, political suicide

    Democrat, resume’ enhancement

  6. Wyatt Earp Says:
    June 17th, 2009 at 4:58 pm

    GroovyVic – BOINGGG!

    Sully – Agreed. He was in a hole (Heh) but he didn’t dig any deeper, like a Larry Craig or a William Jefferson.

    USMC8511 – Sure took him a looooong time to admit that one, didn’t it?

    Randal – Ensign admitted his frak up, and resigned his leadership position in the GOP in two days. People like Jefferson, Nancy Pelosi and Dick Durbin deny, deny, deny, and they stay in power. That’s why I’ll cut Ensign a little slack. He’s still a dope, but he’s a self-admitted dope.

    Oh, I give a crap, because the media handles scandals differently depending upon Party lines.

    RAPH – Paging President Clinton!

  7. Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Get Your Advil Here | Support Your Local Gunfighter Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 7:02 am

    [...] comment comes to us from “Lolly,” who has some very liberal (and puzzling) views about Senator John Ensign’s admitted affair. The comment is not exactly hate mail, so I am entitling it “the comment of the week.” [...]

  8. Republican Senator: Leave Reid Alone | Support Your Local Gunfighter Says:
    January 12th, 2010 at 1:31 pm

    [...] John Ensign. Where have I heard that name before? Oh yeah, he’s the morally bankrupt tool who had an affair with a campaign staffer. By all means, GOP, please take the advice of this [...]