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Link Pimpage O’ The Week

By Wyatt Earp | May 22, 2009

elisha-cuthbert2Jim from bRight and Early is in the middle of a 100 Post Marathon. He is attempting to write 100 posts by the end of the weekend. Why would he do something so strenuous? Well, it’s because he needs something along the lines of a telethon.

You can read about that HERE.

It is no exaggeration to say that without Jim, there would be no SYLG - at least not in the form you are currently viewing. He worked day and night to set up this blog, from the purchase of the domain name to the layout. And he volunteered his time. He would not even allow me to pay for the site. That’s a friend.

And today, he is a friend in need.

Please stop by, wish him well, and maybe drop something in his tip jar.

Thank you.

Topics: Link Pimping |
