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Battlestar Galactica’s Final Episode

By Wyatt Earp | March 20, 2009

bsgAlthough the last two seasons were not nearly as good as the first two, in my opinion it is still the best show on television. And I will absolutely miss it about five minutes after it goes of the air – unless, of course, the creators pull a Sopranos ending, which is entirely possible.

The two-hour finale will air at 9pm (EDT) on the Sci-Fi Network.

“Battlestar Galactica,” the TV series that has held up a mirror to post-9/11 politics and paranoia for the past four seasons, comes to an end Friday.

The show’s legions of fans may be in mourning, but executive producer David Eick finds the looming finale bittersweet.

“It’s a combination of deep sadness and a little bit of relief,” he told CNN by phone from Los Angeles.

Eick and his producing partner Ronald D. Moore revived — or, as they like to say, “reimagined” — a campy late-1970s space opera about a ragtag group of survivors from an attack that wiped out most of humanity, making it a gritty, tense, and morally ambiguous drama.

Echoes of the traumas that shaped contemporary America are inescapable, from a shot in opening credits that looks like Manhattan before the attacks of September 11, 2001, to questions about curtailing civil liberties in wartime.

Eick says the show is a reflection of its times. (H/TCNN)

Eick and Moore are pompous asses. Most fans do not think that way about BSG at all. We think of it as entertainment, solidly written, with complex characters and terrific special effects. I have seen every episode, many of them multiple times, and the last thing they have made me think about is 9-11. In my opinion, Eick and Moore over-think their series. It’s not that deep.

And that is why I fear this finale will be a disappointment. I think Eick and Moore will pull a David Chase (from The Sopranos) and either leave a lot of questions unanswered, or worse, kill everyone off in a final “righteous” act of their so-called Passion Play.

I’ll watch it either way, but I am really sorry to see it go. The series could have gone strong for at least a few more seasons.

UPDATE: Um, what the Hell was that?

Topics: Battlestar Galactica | 2 Comments »

2 Responses to “Battlestar Galactica’s Final Episode”

  1. Lisa Says:
    March 20th, 2009 at 8:17 pm

    Sadly, I have not watched Battlestar Galactica (due to the unfortunate happenstance of not acquiring the SciFi channel until late last fall), though the original was one of my favorites, growing up. Having never watched it, I can’t offer a frame of reference as to which is the better show; BSG or LOST.

    LOST, of course, is a show I am deeply and disturbingly obsessed with (see like you, as the series winds down, there is that nagging little fear that the writers will leave us hanging: like they did with the Sopranos, Twin Peaks and the wound that cuts the deepest, “Revenge of the Sith”.

    With any engaging series like this, the audience must place a large amount of trust in the creators to end the journey in a satisfactory way. As one sci-fi geek to another, I wish you a satisfying ending to BSG and hope to one day experience the series through DVD.

  2. cbullitt Says:
    March 20th, 2009 at 9:30 pm

    Cheer up Wyatt. Fuck the pompous asses. Enjoy the show…and enjoy the update I have on Willie “the church,” your favorite concert throwing farmer. Oh and Spassfarik Deux too.