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WWII Vet Honored 60 Years Later

By Wyatt Earp | January 30, 2009

joe-moserJoe Moser is one of thousands of heroes from World War II. He is also a genuine American hero. It is nice to see him receive the honor he so richly deserves.

Even if it is a little late.

TACOMA, Washington — He’s an airman, World War II veteran and Nazi concentration camp survivor.

On Thursday, Joe Moser, 87, gained a new distinction. Moser was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, a commendation given to aviators for “heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in an aerial flight.”

The medal was a long time coming: 64 years after he earned it in a bombing mission.

Moser flew 44 missions in World War II, but he said he has no memories of the mission in which he earned the medal. He received it for a bombing run carried out July 30, 1944.

But two weeks later, Moser was shot down, and he never learned of the high honors he had earned for another 50 years. That discovery resulted in a years-long process, eventually culminating in Thursday’s ceremony.

“I feel great. It makes me real proud of our country,” he said.

He said he’ll never forget the day he was shot out of the sky. It was August 13, 1944. Moser was 22. He had been shooting at German anti-aircraft guns when they responded. (H/TCNN)

At a time when we are losing hundreds of WWII vets, this honor – and the media coverage of it – is a welcome surprise.

Congratulations, Mr. Moser. Thank you for your service.

Topics: The Troops | 5 Comments »

5 Responses to “WWII Vet Honored 60 Years Later”

  1. Rick Says:
    January 30th, 2009 at 9:42 pm

    Amen. Thank God for men like Mr.Moser.

  2. Morgan Says:
    January 30th, 2009 at 9:56 pm

    It is nice to see him receive the honor he so richly deserves.

    Even if it is a little late.

    Better late than never. These men and women should be cherished as national treasures, especially knowing that so many are dying every year.

  3. MUD Says:
    January 31st, 2009 at 10:34 am

    There is a little known provision that the Vets that earned a CIB in WWII can be given a Bronze Star Medal. Go up on line and read AR 660-8-22 and see how. The Veteran has to sign the letter request and send a copy of the DD214 Or whatever discharge cerftificate they have to the Army Personnel Center in St.Louis. It isn’t quick but I have a request in for my father-in-law right now. You are right about the WWII Vets no being around much longer. MUD

  4. Gerald Baron Says:
    January 31st, 2009 at 8:38 pm

    Thanks for helping us spread the word about Joe Moser and what he did for all of us. The award ceremony for him was truly remarkable. If interested, it is recounted at:

  5. Wyatt Earp Says:
    February 2nd, 2009 at 1:48 am

    Rick – Agreed. People like Joe are what makes this country great.

    Morgan – And that’s terrible. We’re losing the greatest generation.

    MUD – Very deserving in this case, I think.

    Gerald – Thank you, sir. I will check it out.