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Megan Fox: Crazy Hot, But Mostly Just Crazy

By Wyatt Earp | January 15, 2009

<i>Oh yeah, she has a reason to be insecure.</i>

Oh yeah, she has a reason to be insecure.

Why is it that all the hot broads are completely and utterly insane?

Megan Fox raised eyebrows by arriving alone and then muttering a series of bizarre comments about being a “transvestite” at the Golden Globe Awards.

Fox, 22 - who wore a stunning, tight-fitting golden gown to the event - also admitted being extremely nervous, insisting she was “insecure” about her appearance.

“I’m a transvestite. I’m a man. I’m so painfully insecure. I’m on the verge of vomiting now. I am so horrified that I am here, and embarrassed. I’m scared.”

Fox added seeing some of the other stars arriving was doing nothing to calm her nerves, explaining: “I really want Salma Hayek’s boobs.” (H/T - Stuff)

So do I, Megan. So do I. Heh.

Look Megan, someone as attractive as you has no right to be insecure about her looks. Take a look at me. Oh yeah, I have a right to be insecure. I’m a freakin’ rodeo clown.

And yes, Salma Hayek has an amazing body that any man would want - if you happen to be a guy who likes that kind of thing . . .


I’m sorry Megan, what was I saying again? Megan? Megan, come back!

Topics: Babes |

4 Responses to “Megan Fox: Crazy Hot, But Mostly Just Crazy”

  1. rjschwarz Says:
    January 15th, 2009 at 1:23 pm

    If she’s insecure now it’ll be interesting to see when father time starts smacking her around.

  2. mare Says:
    January 15th, 2009 at 3:55 pm

    Any woman who would get a Marilyn Monroe tattoo on her inner forearm is an idiot.

    Gorgeous face and body. Why ruin it with a dumb tattoo (she has several). Bad judgement and possibly too much alcohol or drugs.

  3. Robert Swick Says:
    January 15th, 2009 at 6:20 pm

    Wait Megan Fox is a tran… *reads further* Hey Look at that. Salma Hayek. Mmmmmmm.

  4. Wave Says:
    January 27th, 2009 at 10:30 pm

    Why is she embarrassed she’s at the Golden Globes? O.O Megan’s hot and all, but to be honest she seems to lack sense sometimes
