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Kevin McCloskey: Local Hero

By Wyatt Earp | July 1, 2008

I am posting this story for two reasons. First, because Specialist Kevin McCloskey is a local kid who graduated from the high school where I coach (Northeast Catholic High School), and second, because my friend and co-worker Dominic (The Godfather) knows him very well.

As you will see, Kevin McCloskey is one of those people you are proud to know. These excerpts are from yesterday’s Philadelphia Daily News:

THE SOFT, early morning sunlight was still trickling into Tom and JoAnn McCloskey’s Mayfair home when the phone rang with news they hoped never to hear. Their youngest son, Kevin, a soldier, had been wounded in Afghanistan, a military official said. He had a broken leg, and maybe some internal bleeding.

They were upset, but somewhat relieved: Kevin was OK.

But the phone rang again a short while later, and the update was grim: Kevin had lost both legs below the knee. It wasn’t until the following day that a doctor listed the rest of Kevin’s injuries: a broken wrist, a broken collarbone, shrapnel to the right eye and second-degree burns over most of his body.

I can only imagine how devastating news like this would be to a parent.

Kevin has had 15 surgeries in the last few weeks as doctors try to put his broken body back together, his father said. He’s fighting steady fevers and infections, and is rarely coherent because of the steady stream of medication pumped into his body.


Army officials told the McCloskeys that their son had been out on a mission to secure a roadway June 8 when his vehicle was hit with an improvised explosive device (IED).

“He was driving, and he saw it at the last minute. He took the brunt of the blast. He actually caught on fire,” McCloskey said.

And according to the Army, the investigation revealed that Kevin deliberately tried to take the brunt of the explosion by maneuvering the vehicle to his side.

Earlier this month, Kevin’s family heard some good news – the second-degree burns on his face and the rest of his body were starting to heal. Exploratory surgery indicated that he would retain the sight in his right eye.

At least there is some progress to report. And if the people who know him are any indication, Kevin will fight his way through this. Godspeed, Kevin.

If you would like to contribute to Kevin and his family, you can send donations here:

Support for Specialist Kevin McCloskey Fund
5135 Bleigh Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19136

There is also a benefit beef and beer scheduled for August 15th. I will definitely be in attendance.

UPDATE: Here is the updated information on the McCloskey Beef and Beer Benefit:

Friday, August 15th, 2008; 8pm – 12am
Glaziers Hall L.U #252
Philadelphia, PA 19116
Food, Alcohol, and Soda Included
Baskets of Cheer, Door Prizes, Silent Auction
$30 donation in advance, $40 at door, Reserved tables of 10 $300.
Tickets for the benefit may be purchased through the website or at any of the following local pubs beginning Saturday July 5th, 2008:

* Paddy Whacks- Blue grass shopping Center, Colmly Road, or the South Street location

* 3 Monkeys- located on James Street, one block west of State Road and Grant Avenue

* McGeehan’s Pub- located at the intersection of Cottage Street and Cottman Avenue

* Capsers- located at Cottman Avenue and Frankford Avenue

Topics: Philly, The Troops | 13 Comments »

13 Responses to “Kevin McCloskey: Local Hero”

  1. USA_Admiral Says:
    July 1st, 2008 at 1:06 pm

    God Bless him and his family. That was a very moving post.

  2. RT Says:
    July 1st, 2008 at 1:13 pm

    How sad. His bravery and willingness to put the well-being of others before himself is very moving.

    I’ve prayed he heals. God bless him, his family, loved ones, and friends.

  3. Ky Person Says:
    July 1st, 2008 at 2:33 pm

    Prayers for Kevin and his family. Men like him are heroes, no matter what Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi/John Murtha/Dick Durbin say.

  4. Rick Says:
    July 1st, 2008 at 3:55 pm

    Kevin makes me Proud to be an American. God Bless him and his family.

  5. wagonsux Says:
    July 1st, 2008 at 4:11 pm

    If known, could you post the details of the Beef and Beer? I would like to attend also.

  6. Wyatt Earp Says:
    July 1st, 2008 at 4:56 pm

    Admiral – Thanks.

    Rt – I’m praying, too, and I’m not a “prayer” guy.

    Ky person – When any one of them open their mouths about the troops, I tune them out.

    Rick – Agreed.

    Wagonsux – Details aren’t finalized, but it is supposed to be somewhere in one of the halls on Southampton Road. When it gets closer to the date, I’ll post about it.

  7. Wyatt Earp Says:
    July 3rd, 2008 at 12:54 am

    UPDATE: The Beef & Beer is scheduled for August 15th at the Glaziers Hall in Northeast Philadelphia. I’ll post an update as the date moves closer.

  8. Jason T Says:
    July 3rd, 2008 at 10:23 am

    You can find out more about donating online and the beef and beer benefit at

    there are also links and email addresses where you can donate baskets to be auctioned off.

    Thank You,

  9. Ashley Says:
    July 10th, 2008 at 8:29 pm

    I love you Kev <3. You’re amazing. I pray for you every day and every night. You’re so strong baby. I miss you!

  10. Wyatt Earp Says:
    July 10th, 2008 at 8:54 pm

    Jason – Thanks for the info. I’ll submit an updated post today or tomorrow.

    Ashley – Feel free to smack Dom in the head when he gets home tonight.

  11. ashley Says:
    July 13th, 2008 at 10:57 am

    haah i will!

  12. Michelle Says:
    August 14th, 2008 at 10:10 pm

    Kevin….You are in my thoughts and prayers. You have made your country PROUD!!!! Hoorah

  13. Ulrich Says:
    February 19th, 2009 at 7:13 pm

    Kevin, You are one of America’s heros and will never be forgotten! I thank you for your service to allow us to be free here in America. It is people like you that have made America what it is today, Again Thank you for your bravery abroad.