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Stupid Questions

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Your Existential Question Of The Day

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

Once in a great while, something profound comes out of my puny, insignificant brain. When that happens, I feel the need to post it on the blog for the entire world to see. Of course, what may be “profound” to me may be completely idiotic to you, but what are ya gonna do? Any hoo, [...]

Stupid Questions

Monday, July 7th, 2008

How ironic is it that John “Horse-Faced Jackass” Kerry said John McCain “lacks judgment to be President?” If you remember, Kerry was trying to convince McCain to be his Vice-President in 2004. By the way, how did that election turn out for ya, Kerry? After reading this story, who wants to get on an airplane? [...]

Stupid Questions

Sunday, February 24th, 2008

Is anyone surprised that John McCain landed all 20 delegates from Puerto Rico? And while we’re at it, why is Puerto Rico granted any delegates? Uber-inept Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell stated he has no interest being a Presidential running mate. Um, was anyone even considering this moron? I think Ray Nagin would get more consideration [...]

Stupid Questions

Sunday, September 30th, 2007

Why is the inside of a car’s windshield the most impossible surface to get clean? Why am I filled with a sense of dread when I hear that the Philadelphia Phillies “control their own (playoff) destiny?” Will Mrs. Grim cut me some slack now if I post this picture of Tom Brady?

Stupid Questions

Sunday, September 16th, 2007

Haven’t had any of these for a while. Well, actually I have a few stupid questions every day, but I don’t post them on the blog . . . If I start watching Heroes this season, will I be irreparably lost? I have a feeling that Prison Break is going to lose me, and I’m [...]

Stupid Questions

Friday, August 17th, 2007

I haven’t asked any stupid questions in a while. Strike that, I ask about a hundred a day. Okay, I haven’t had a Stupid Questions post in a while, so I figured why not now? Bon apetit. Isn’t it about time we slapped Russia’s nose with a newspaper? Especially since they just placed their strategic [...]

Stupid Questions

Monday, March 19th, 2007

* Why is it that when people talk about who they were in “past lives” they are always someone of great importance? Not every one of these morons could have been a world ruler. You know who I was in a past life? Probably another dim-witted, overweight cop, who couldn’t write his way out of [...]

Stupid Questions

Wednesday, January 17th, 2007

If Nancy Pelosi promises “partnership, not partisanship” then leads the charge against the President’s new Iraq plan, does that make her a big, fat, bold-faced liar? What exactly has Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, or Rudy Giuliani ever done to deserve a shot at the White House? Who will be the lawyer that defends this lawyer? [...]

Stupid Questions

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007

Who was “Monterey Jack,” and why did someone name a cheese after him? Do you think Iraq arrested the person responsible for recording Saddam Hussein’s hanging solely because the video quality was so poor? Will Teddy Kennedy ever buy one of Toyota’s new “alcohol detection system” cars? Do you think SYLG will get more visitors [...]

Stupid Questions

Monday, December 18th, 2006

What are the chances that Vinnie Antonelli scores his first goal tonight? What’s the deal with egg nog? I know what egg is, but what the hell is “nog?”Why is it when you’re running really late for work that you get stuck behind an elderly, obnoxiously slow-driving jerkass with a handicapped plate? And speaking of [...]

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