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Man’s Weekend, 2007: A Retrospective

Monday, October 29th, 2007

Yet another terrific MWE is now in the books, and a good time was had by all. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Man’s Weekend without a post-event wrap-up here at SYLG. And away we go . . . Thursday, October 25th Since Badger and Vincent couldn’t get out of work early this year, we [...]

I’m Back, Baby!

Sunday, October 28th, 2007

And I’ll be posting after a little nap . . . Thanks again to RT, who did a tremendous job running the homestead while I was away. Please thank her by visiting her blog HERE.

Man’s Weekend Is Upon Us!

Thursday, October 25th, 2007

Fish, Me, Vincent Antonelli, & The Badger at the links. Do you hear that, liver? It’s time to cowboy up and start working overtime! For today is the start of our annual Man’s Weekend; a four-day drink/golf fest in Sea Isle City, New Jersey. Amongst the participants will be Fish, Vincent Antonelli, The Badger, Deathlok, [...]

Man’s Weekend, The Finale

Saturday, October 28th, 2006

Sunday is (obviously) the final day of Man’s Weekend. It’s the day when we pick up the trash, vacuum the floors, and scrub out the vomit. Since my Saturday night consisted of Alabama Slammers and random shots, I didn’t wake up until 11am – after most of the participants had gone home. Vinnie was the [...]

Man’s Weekend, Part 3

Friday, October 27th, 2006

Saturday, Day 3: Sweet Home Alabama Saturday morning was a good morning. No nausea, no hangover. Guinness = good. Beach football was scheduled for 1pm, and it (as always) would be The Old Guys versus The Young Guys. For the first time ever, Vinnie, Badger, and I joined Deathlok on the Old Team. Ouch. The [...]

Man’s Weekend, Part 2

Thursday, October 26th, 2006

Friday, Day 2: Let ‘Em “Pour” Day Two started early, as we had an eleven o’clock tee time at Shore Gate Golf Club. After feeling queasy at the fees – Eighty dollars? Get out of here! – we trudged onto the rain-soaked course, which had more sand than Qatar. Thankfully, Vinnie continued his alcohol-induced exploits [...]

Man’s Weekend, Part One

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006

Despite what you may read over at The MoxArgon Group, I am not gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But, there seems to be some confusion about Man’s Weekend that does not involve sexual orientation. Not that there’s . . . never mind. Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Man’s Weekend was [...]

I’m Outta Here!

Thursday, October 19th, 2006

By the time you read this, I will already be drunk. That’s right kids, today is the unofficial start of Man’s Weekend. And in true MWE fashion, Deathlok, Vincent Antonelli, The Badger, and I will be leaving for fabulous, sunny Sea Isle City, New Jersey by noon. So what, it’s a four-day weekend; you civilians [...]

The Man’s Weekend Pre-Game Show

Monday, October 16th, 2006

This year’s MWE participants. I’m in the beanie. Deathlok has a terrific summary of my friends’ greatest tradition: Man’s Weekend (or MWE). This year’s event begins on Thursday – or Friday for the truly henpecked – and lasts until Sunday afternoon in fabulous sunny Sea Isle City, New Jersey. RT, you better lock your doors [...]