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Man’s Weekend Is Upon Us!

By Wyatt Earp | October 25, 2007

Fish, Me, Vincent Antonelli, & The Badger at the links.

Do you hear that, liver? It’s time to cowboy up and start working overtime! For today is the start of our annual Man’s Weekend; a four-day drink/golf fest in Sea Isle City, New Jersey. Amongst the participants will be Fish, Vincent Antonelli, The Badger, Deathlok, and Grimjack.

Last year’s festivities were a little rough on yours truly. Apparently, my GI tract doesn’t take too kindly to whiskey shots combined with unlimited pints of Guinness. Despite my pen name, I don’t think I could have fared very well in the Old West. Thankfully, Vincent Antonelli hooked me up: he’s bringing the fixins for Alabama Slammers. Sweet!

Golf will not be as sweet. We have tee times for 11am on Friday morning in Avalon, but the weather forecast for the weekend in rain, followed by rain, followed up by rain. Ironically, The Badger will most likely be raining vomit into a toilet by Friday evening, so it’ll be a theme night. Heh.

As for this ol’ blog, I’ve got it covered. The lovely and talented RT (right) will be posting in my stead. I’ll be back on Sunday afternoon, but until then, she has the conn. Please give show her the same respect you show me. (Read: call her a racist, sarcastic, evil right-wing conservative.)

See y’all on Sunday!

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