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Archive for August, 2010

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Humpday History Highlight

Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

August 25, 1896 – Outlaw Bill Doolin Is Killed For six years, he participated in a variety of bank and train robberies, sometimes in partnership with the infamous Dalton gang. A careful and methodical man, Doolin planned his robberies well. Though he was shot several times, the wounds were never serious. Success inevitably brought increased [...]

Philadelphia To Businesses: Frak You!

Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

I challenge you to find an American city that is more business-unfriendly than Philly. If the rampant corruption, the crippling taxes, and the proposed blogger licenses aren’t enough to make you steer clear of this burg, this story should do the trick: Kate Carrara is the Buttercream “cupcake lady,” selling frosted goodies from a converted [...]

Burglars ID’d By Sex Video

Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

In my profession, I have come across some very stupid people. Some are victims, some are police officers, but most are criminals. Suffice to say, Philly seems to have a high idiot count. After reading this story, however, compared to these Elma, Washington dopes, Philly criminals are pikers. ELMA, Wash. – It wasn’t tough to [...]

Call In An Airstrike From God

Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

My very good friend – and Dark Techno-Lord of the Sith – Code Monkey sent me an e-mail today. Her friend and blogging partner Chuck was rushed to the hospital yesterday afternoon with chest pains. You will pray for Chuck. You will go to this link and leave words of comfort. You will do so [...]

Charlie Rangel Attacks Obama

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Break out the popcorn, we have a slap-fight on our hands! The incompetent and corrupt Charlie Rangel fired back at the equally incompetent and corrupt POTUS after Obama suggested Rangel retire with “dignity.” As if either of them knows what dignity means. God, I love it when libtards argue amongst themselves. Rep. Charles Rangel has [...]

Jimena Navarrette Named Miss Universe

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

I cannot believe she beat out Miss Alpha Centauri! A 22-year-old Mexico woman won the Miss Universe pageant Monday night after donning a flowing red gown and telling an audience it’s important to teach kids family values. Jimena Navarrete of Guadalajara was first to answer an interview question Monday night and the last of 83 [...]

Guards With Frickin’ Laser Beams

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Science fiction, you say? No, not so much. A new method of crowd control, called a “laser,” is being tested in the Los Angeles County Jail. That’s right, everyone from Jay Mariotti to Lindsay Lohan can now receive an instant suntan, thanks to a breakthrough of Gene Roddenberry proportions. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you [...]

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Consider this a follow-up of sorts to last night’s Philly blogger post. A Las Vegas-based group is suing bloggers who re-post their client’s content. Begun, the Blog War has. Sure, you can sue … but we have other tools to fight back: Borrowing a page from patent trolls, the CEO of fledgling Las Vegas-based Righthaven [...]

Asia Coney: A New Kind Of Public Servant

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

During the 2008 presidential election, there was a woman who said that if Barack Obama was elected, she wouldn’t have to pay for her mortgage or her bills. For her, it was all about the promise of money for nothing. Sure, we all laughed at her naivete, but the sad truth is that Ed Rendell, [...]

Mountain Of Love

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

They say that confession is good for the soul. Well, today I have a confession to make. I have a new love. She is more bubbly than Dorothy Krysiuk and sweeter than Christina Hendricks. She is everything I have ever wanted, and yet, I worry that she will not be around forever. Thus, the time [...]

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