Archive for April, 2010
« Previous Entries Next Entries »Obama: Playing The Race Card?
Tuesday, April 27th, 2010You make the call. The Democratic National Committee this morning released this clip of the president rallying the troops, if rather coolly, for 2010. Obama’s express goal: “reconnecting” with the voters who voted for the first time in 2008, but who may not plan to vote in the lower-profile Congressional elections this year. Obama speaks [...]
Tito Ortiz Allegedly Beats Jenna Jameson
Tuesday, April 27th, 2010What do you say to a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, you already told her twice! (Kidding, kidding, don’t send hate mail.) Mixed martial arts star Tito Ortiz was arrested Monday on charges of domestic violence at the home he shares with former adult actress Jenna Jameson, TMZ reports. See? This is what happens [...]
Oh God, Make It Stop!
Monday, April 26th, 2010Kate Gosselin has been cleared to resume her show on TLC, now titled Kate Plus 8: Kate Gosselin’s new TLC show “Kate Plus 8″ is all systems go — because the local Department of Labor says the kiddies have been cleared to continue their careers as reality TV stars. A rep for the Pennsylvania Dept. [...]
Suspect Steals 45 Fire Hydrants
Monday, April 26th, 2010Somewhere, Captain America’s head is exploding: A Riverside County man was arrested for allegedly stealing dozens of fire hydrants to sell for scrap. The man, 45, was arrested Wednesday and remained jailed on Friday. Authorities in San Bernardino and Riverside counties say they suspect the man stole 45 hydrants. They believe he posed as a [...]
A Well-Deserved Milestone
Monday, April 26th, 2010Now, this is a cause for celebration! Tell ‘em Wyatt sent ya!
Man Falls In Front Of 10 Injury Lawyers
Sunday, April 25th, 2010Yesterday, RT sent me this dictionary definition of irony. One wonders if there were any secondary injuries as the lawyers gave the man the bum’s rush. A MAN smashed his head open when he fell over a broken chair yesterday – in the public gallery of a claims court. The accident happened in front of [...]
Watch Out, It’s A Cleavalanche!
Sunday, April 25th, 2010This week, an Iranian cleric claimed that women who wear revealing clothing are responsible for the country’s earthquakes. Apparently, he was serious. Hell, you would think he would blame the fat chicks! One false step, and blammo! 7.5! This much ado about unbuttoning is the subject of my article at Family Security Matters. Here’s a [...]
God Bless Kyle
Sunday, April 25th, 2010Today will be a very special day. My oldest son will make his First Holy Communion today with his class. They have been preparing to receive the sacrament since September, and while he was excited to receive First Penance, he is doubly excited to receive Communion. (He also loves the fact that he can wear [...]
Bar Employs 14-Year Old Stripper
Saturday, April 24th, 2010Do you really have to ask where the bar was located? The manager of a Detroit strip club was charged after authorities learned a 14-year-old girl was employed as a topless dancer, making several hundred dollars a night, authorities said Friday. The 31-year-old manager of the All Star topless bar was arraigned Friday on a [...]
Philly Officer Files Hair Color Complaint
Saturday, April 24th, 2010A female African-American Philadelphia police officer is alleging harassment after her captain ordered her to change her hair color, which the captain claims is “purple.” Wow. The officer, for her part, claims it is red, and conforms to the department’s uniform code. The officer filed a complaint with the PA Human Relations Commission, claiming that [...]
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