The FCC: Determined To Ruin The Internet
By Wyatt Earp | October 15, 2009
Ya know, I can deal with the Obama administration’s meddling in the Census. Similarly, I can also tolerate the administration’s ridiculous ObamaCare debacle. What I cannot tolerate is the FCC, especially when they want to take charge of my internet.
If they restrict my computer usage, I’ll have to spend time with my family. That can’t be good for anyone. Heh.
Just another case of Los Federales wanting more “transparency and openness,” all the while wanting more control:
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski is proposing that the agency apply tougher open-Internet rules broadly, raising concerns of cable and phone companies and some lawmakers that the government could try to control efforts to offer products such as digital cable or premium business services.
Mr. Genachowski’s proposal suggests everything in the Internet pipe is covered by rules prohibiting discrimination against any legal Internet traffic, known as net neutrality, unless the agency says otherwise, according to FCC officials familiar with a draft circulating in the agency.
There are lots of back and forth arguments regarding net neutrality, but, the biggest two are that it will stifle innovation and actually restrict bandwith. The ever growing wireless Internet will potentially take a huge hit, as will prioritization for the markets, such as ‘Net meetings and gaming. It’s up to you to decide, but, remember, once regulated, good luck getting the federal government out. (H/T – Pirate’s Cove)
Exactly. Can someone, anyone, cite an example where the government got their grubby paws into our lives, then willingly left? Can someone, anyone, think of a government-imposed tax that was ever repealed? Besides, the restricted bandwith might interfere with my downloading of fabulous babes like Olivia Munn . . .

And that can’t happen.
Topics: Babes, Snarkasm | 6 Comments »
October 15th, 2009 at 3:26 pm
The obvious offshoot of the “net neutrality” rules is going to be paying for usage amounts. Right now most providers use a sliding scale fee based on the speed you purchase. What will happen when this goes into effect is they’ll start with a xxx gb per month limit on downloads and, like a cell phone company, charge you a penny or so per kb over the limit.
They’ll manage their networks, just like the cell phone companies. And the FCC will wonder what happened when they start getting complaints over $1000 internet bills.
October 15th, 2009 at 6:32 pm
CP – And the real loser in all of this? Regular folks like you and me.
October 15th, 2009 at 11:20 pm
No kidding, I’ll have to go back to buying paper magazines, it’ll be cheaper…… Hey, maybe this is just a stealth bailout of Playboy and Hustler!
October 16th, 2009 at 9:15 am
I would hate to think of the backlash if they start restricting our eye candy. Oh, the inhumanity!!!
October 16th, 2009 at 9:44 am
Wyatt, one time, the telephone tax from the Spanish-American War. That was finally repealed a few years ago (and promptly replaced by a ‘fee’ from the telephone company).
October 16th, 2009 at 2:32 pm
Al Baxter beat me to it. I”ll add a note that it also concerned telecommunications, though.