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Woman Gives Birth, Leaves Baby On Plane

By Wyatt Earp | March 21, 2009


Because, you know, it’s always nice to give birth in an airplane bathroom and then leave the child there to die.

WELLINGTON, New Zealand – A woman who secretly gave birth on a flight from Samoa to New Zealand may face criminal charges after her baby was found alive in the plane’s bathroom, police and media reports said Friday.

Police are inquiring into “the alleged … abandonment of the child by the mother” after the flight landed in New Zealand on Thursday, police communications manager Ana-Mari Gates-Bowey said. “A likelihood of this investigation is a criminal prosecution.”

Media reports said the mother left the baby in a bathroom waste bin on the Pacific Blue plane carrying 150 passengers; others said she was spotted with bloodied clothes in an immigration line. Police have declined comment on the reports.

Gates-Bowey said late Thursday the woman had undergone surgery at Auckland’s Middlemore Hospital and was later reunited with her baby. Its gender has not been disclosed. ()

In my opinion, the appropriate punishment for the “mother” is life imprisonment. But I have been told I can be pretty severe.

Topics: Snarkasm |

9 Responses to “Woman Gives Birth, Leaves Baby On Plane”

  1. cbullitt Says:
    March 21st, 2009 at 12:15 pm

    Nah, execution–just to make sure she can’t pass on those fantastic parenting skills.

  2. BobG Says:
    March 21st, 2009 at 12:25 pm

    She was probably afraid the airline would try to charge her for another seat.

  3. Alan B Says:
    March 21st, 2009 at 12:29 pm

    In the absence of any of the really important details, I would rather suspend judgment. From the story noe of us knows how old she was, how she became pregnant (rape, abuse??), her mental state (what was her mental age? was she capable of understanding what she was doing?) or anything about her. Was she hoping the baby would be found? Who knows?

    I would suggest this is not like the classic thug with 17 previous convictions for violence tops a cop during an armed robbery.

    Sorry. I am not prepared to judge. The situation would be different if I was involved but I am not and no more info. is likely to be forthcoming. I am not going to throw the first stone.

  4. USA_Admiral Says:
    March 21st, 2009 at 2:03 pm

    There is no excuse for leaving a child to die in an airplane bathroom, important details or not. It is equal to attempted murder.

  5. Elm Says:
    March 21st, 2009 at 2:49 pm

    the woman had undergone surgery at Auckland’s Middlemore Hospital and was later reunited with her baby…

    Reunited? Really? Didn’t she just dump her child into the trash to die? She didn’t “accidentally” lose the baby. She didn’t give up the baby to adoption and then seek out the child again. She deserves time in prison or at the very least many, many years in a psychiatric facility.

  6. Rick Says:
    March 21st, 2009 at 3:54 pm

    I agree with ELM

  7. RT Says:
    March 21st, 2009 at 11:47 pm

    Ditto, Elm. If she was standing in public with bloodied clothes, there was something very wrong. Why would they give the baby back to her? She at least needs more evaluation. Perhaps there was a bit of “shock,” but at the least make sure the woman wants the child and is mentally able to care for it. Geesh.

  8. Wyatt Earp Says:
    March 22nd, 2009 at 5:49 pm

    cbullitt - Or forced sterilization.

    BobG - Bawahahahahahahahaha!!!

    Alan B - At best, she has serious sanity issues. Who leaves their child to die in an airline bathroom?

    Admiral - Of course, the Left would disagree. It’s just a late-term abortion!

    Elm - I cannot understand why they would reunite her with the child. At least not until after a psychological evaluation.

    RT - Exactamundo!

  9. Alan B Says:
    March 23rd, 2009 at 3:40 pm

    Wyatt Earp said:

    “At best, she has serious sanity issues. Who leaves their child to die in an airline bathroom?”

    That’s why I’m not prepared to condemn. Sounded like something desparately wrong and she needs help. (Which, from the story, she seemed to be getting. I hope it has a happy ending.)
