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Missing Canoeist Arrested

By Wyatt Earp | December 5, 2007

This guy’s last name is Darwin? How ironic!

LONDON, England (CNN) — A British man who reappeared five years after he was thought to have drowned in a canoeing accident has been arrested on suspicion of fraud, police confirmed Wednesday.

Police, who are trying to piece together the movements of John Darwin over the last five years, have made a public appeal for information over his whereabouts.

The 57-year-old was presumed dead in 2002 after he went missing after going canoeing in the North Sea off the coastal town of Seaton Carew, in northeast England. (H/

In my opinion, the arrest is a mere footnote here. The man was missing for five years, presumed dead, and then suddenly reappeared? While this remains a mystery to London Police, I think I have the answer.

John Darwin is a cylon!

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