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Bush Pardons Do Not Include Scooter Libby

By Wyatt Earp | December 12, 2007

Also conspicuously absent: U.S. Border Patrol Agents Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos, who sit in jail for shooting a Mexican drug smuggler!

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush granted pardons Tuesday to carjackers, drug dealers, a moonshiner and a violator of election laws, but not to I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, his vice president’s former top aide who was convicted in the case of the leaked identity of a CIA operative.

In all, Bush pardoned 29 convicts and reduced the prison sentence of one more, in the end-of-the-year presidential tradition.

Justice Department spokesman Erik Ablin said Bush has granted 142 pardons and commuted five sentences since taking office in 2001 — lagging far behind the pace set by most modern presidents.

President Clinton issued a total of 457 in eight years in office. Bush’s father, George H. W. Bush, issued 77 in four years. President Reagan issued 406 in eight years, and President Carter issued 563 in four years. (H/

This guy lost me months ago, and he’s not getting me back. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue needs some new blood; preferably not someone named Bush or Clinton.

I wonder if Jared from the Subway commercials is available?

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