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Archive for September, 2007

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A Programming Note

Friday, September 28th, 2007

In case you missed it, the new season of Smallville premiered last night. And for those of you who don’t watch the show, this lovely little hottie is Erica Durance, who plays Lois Lane. She makes Margot Kidder look like a bucket of puke, huh?

Squidward Presses The Flesh

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

I shouldn’t even post this ridiculous story (or comment upon it), but I can’t help myself. Nutter Meets With Black Officers The city’s black officers met with their presumptive new boss last night, firing tough questions about racial bias on the police force, judicial caprice, witness protection, and his controversial stop-and-frisk policy. And Democratic mayoral [...]

People I Like

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

I know Thursday is People I Hate day, but honestly, I’m not in the mood. I’ve been hatin’ all week, and after a while even I tire of it. Thus, you lucky folks get to see a rarity around these parts: a PIL post! Good for you! Briana Scurry Soccer fans will label her “the [...]

True Detective Stories

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

The following is an actual conversation between myself and a true idiot: (Idiot comes to window, and stares blankly at the “Slide Window” sign.) Wyatt: “Slide the window, ma’am.” (Idiot slides window.) Wyatt: “May I help you?”Idiot: “Yeah. My baby’s daddy kidnapped our son.” Wyatt: “Okay. Tell me what happened.”Idiot: “I just told you. He [...]

The Cheerleader Speaks

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

Katie Couric: She’s perky, she’s cutesy . . . she’s dopey. Speaking at the National Press Club Tuesday evening, CBS “Evening News” anchor Katie Couric pulled back the curtain on her personal views of both the war in Iraq and former “Evening News” anchor Dan Rather. “Everyone in this room would agree that people in [...]

Elton John: Sexual Deviant?

Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

I ask you; does this guy look like a sexual deviant? LONDON – Elton John said Wednesday that he owns a photo of two naked girls taken by award-winning photographer Nan Goldin that was seized by police at a British gallery over concerns it amounted to child pornography. John confirmed ownership of “Klara and Edda [...]

Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?

Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

On or about March 7th, that is. Earp Child #3 (in progress) lying on his/her back. Just like Dad! How the Hell did this happen? Why was I not informed?! Who’s in charge here?!! Okay, I guess I know how this happened, so I had better enlighten all of you. You see, when a man [...]

Get Me 200,000 Visits, Stat!

Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

Ambulance Driver – arguably one of the best bloggers writing today – just celebrated his 200,000th hit! And he did it in only ten months. (I’ll pause here, so all of us can bask in the jealousy.) A.D. is so successful because he follows an axiom that every blogger should obey: post often and post [...]

Everyone Always Said I Need Therapy

Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

And now, I’m gonna get it. I began my PT for my injured knee on Monday afternoon at PRO Physical Therapy in Philly. It’s close to home, and my family practitioner swears by them. And since I have been in pain for about three months now, I needed some good news. I got it in [...]

You Knew It Was Coming

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

Family Guy: The Star Wars Episode. Heh. Disregard, kids. The Nazis at Fox took off the video. In lieu of Star Wars, here’s a clip from The Simpsons. It shows the Wyatt of the Future . . .

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