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So Close

By Wyatt Earp | June 27, 2007

. . . that I can smell it. Or is that Sssteve that reeks? Anyway, as of this posting SYLG is only 88 hits away from number 100,000. I see you shiver with antici . . . pation. (Name the film that used that quote!)

Look, I know everyone is sick and tired of hearing about hit #100,000, and frankly, you should be. I mean, really; besides me, who gives a rat’s ass? Be that as it may, it is still a pretty exciting achievement for someone who needs to write the words “Left” and “Right” on his shoes.

I also know that some of my recent posts have been lacking, and for that I apologize. Somehow, I thought posting on two blogs a few times a day would be an easy feat. I was wrong. The idea machine (read: my puny half-wit brain) can’t keep up, and it keeps getting distracted by shiny things. Damned nickels! Any hoo, I wanted to remind everyone that the Tombstone DVD is there for the taking for visitor #100,000, but the lucky folks online at that moment – probably late tonight or very early Thursday morning – may want to take a few precautions:

1. Remember where you came from. Site Meter logs in the sites you visited just before and just after surfing here. If you know that, the winner will be easy to track down.

2. Leave a comment. It sounds dumb, and it only has to be a “Did I win?,” but Haloscan also records the comment time. Easier to match up the winner with the winning hit.

Don’t sweat it. My Techno-Yoda Rachel thinks locating the winner should be fairly easy (WE HOPE!) and after I get the lucky stiff’s address, I’ll ship out the prize. Oh, and don’t forget to send me your last minute entries for the SYLG Roast!

And again, thanks to everyone for your pity, er, visits!

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