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Archive for February, 2007

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It It Hot On Earth, Or Is It Just Al Gore?

Sunday, February 25th, 2007

By tomorrow morning, Al Gore will add “Academy Award Winner” to his long and distinguished list of accomplishments, like “Vice-President of the United States,” and . . . um, “Guy from Tennessee?” Either way, his pablum-spewing piece of propaganda, “An Inconvenient Truth” will win the Oscar tonight. Count on it. (In an unrelated matter, Philly [...]


Sunday, February 25th, 2007

“DURHAM, N.C. – Men’s lacrosse – the game, not the scandal – made an emotional and triumphant return to Duke University on Saturday. After a traumatic, abbreviated 2006 season, which ended after eight games following an off-campus party that led to rape charges against three players and cost 16-year coach Mike Pressler his job, many [...]

Something To Break Up The Monotony

Sunday, February 25th, 2007

It’s been a month or so since I last posted a Q&A. And, since I need a quick and easy idea for a post, this will have to do. Submit your burning questions in the comments section and I’ll have your answers by mid-week. And remember, every answer comes with a handy-dandy link pimp for [...]

BUMPED! Weekend Caption Contest

Sunday, February 25th, 2007

Hara Kiri Caption Contest. (H/T – Yahoo! Sports) Other Current Contests:Outside The BeltwayCowboy BlobBagel Blogger Top 5 Entries (Participation was light this week.) 5. Potvin practicing for his off-ice job as the letter “A” (as in Y.M.C.A.) in a Village People tribute group. Watch where he puts that stick! – Uncle Ray4. Earl never could [...]

Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy

Saturday, February 24th, 2007

Wow, it’s been eons since I pimped out my friends. And since I am in a jovial mood, I figured I would try and sent some hits their way in lieu of me actually reading their posts. Heh. Yeah, like a link from me will send someone’s Site Meter into overdrive. The ego on me! [...]

Stats Ahoy!

Friday, February 23rd, 2007

Well, it took me the better part of the season, but I finally found a way to post our fantasy hockey spreadsheet on the blog. Unfortunately, I couldn’t unlock this riddle when I was near the top of the standings, but I digress. Here’s the stats as of last night’s games. And for the benefit [...]

People I Hate

Friday, February 23rd, 2007

I don’t know why, but I am in a pretty good mood today. So much so that I almost abandoned PIH in favor of a People I Like. Then, I figured everyone would bitch about it, and I didn’t need that noise. Heh. For some reason, my angry rants entertain others. Go figure. The SimpsonsCan [...]

A "Three" Grows In West Philadelphia

Friday, February 23rd, 2007

Take that, Vinnie! Sorry. Vinnie Antonelli went to Temple, so it’s fun to give him crap when my Alma Mater routs his basketball team. “There is another tradition Saint Joseph’s coach Phil Martelli might love more than Big 5 games at the Palestra: the Hawks getting hot again down the stretch. Ahmad Nivins scored 18 [...]

Jack Says, "Vote Or Die!"

Friday, February 23rd, 2007

The voting for this week’s round of the Miss Blogs4Bauer Pageant continues. Our next matchup will be posted on Monday.

Helen Thomas Loses Her Front Row Seat

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

Did anyone check for it in the fat folds of her neck? The White House press room just got a lot less ugly. Check this out from Hot Air: “The press corps is scheduled to move from temporary facilities back into the spiffed-up, rewired briefing room in May or June. Thomas, who has been questioning [...]

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