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Weekend Caption Contest

By Wyatt Earp | January 29, 2007

Since The Man folded up shop at GOP and the City, I thought I could help keep some of his ideas going. The Weekend Caption Contest is right up my alley, well, because it doesn’t require all that much work. Hopefully, The Man will give me his blessing. If not, where’s he gonna bitch about it now? Heh.

Caption this picture in the comments section – Photoshops are also welcome, too, but I’ll have to work at posting them since I am a big, dumb guy – and I’ll announce the winners on Monday.

Other Current Caption Contests:

Pay Heed to the Geek
Cowboy Blob

Top Ten Entries:

10. “Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever had that ‘unfresh’ feeling?” – Dragon Lady
9. “Nancy, looks like it’s down to you and me for the World Speed-Blinking Championship!” – AJ Lynch
8. Maliki: :You think he’ll make the cut on American Idol?” – John Pangia
7. “Quite frankly, if we’re playin’ rock-scissors-paper, I got both you guys beat.” – Uncle Ray
6. Pelosi: “Gentlemen, allow me to state my plan for the future of Iraq.” Maliki: “Hey, stop blinking so much. What is it morse code or something?” – RT
5. “Skip the hijab, Bro. Get her a brown paper bag!” – Cowboy Blob
4. “Hey, the Blue Oyster is right down this alley.” – Randal Graves
3. “Someone please find me a woman that looks like a woman. Like Janet Reno.” – Redneck
2. – Serr8d

1. In a series of bad remakes, the release of the new Mod Squad . . .Deathlok

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