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Fidel Castro: Party Animal

By Wyatt Earp | January 29, 2007

“F” Castro. I absolutely agree.

It’s official: Miami is hosting the world’s first “Death Kegger!”

“MIAMI – The city of Miami is planning an official celebration at the Orange Bowl whenever Cuban president Fidel Castro dies.

Discussions by a committee appointed earlier this month by the city commission to plan the event have even covered issues such as a theme to be printed on T-shirts, what musicians would perform, the cost and how long the celebration would last.” – (H/T – )

If the committee is looking for any more party ideas, I think I have a few . . .

* Play soccer with his dismembered head.

* Set him on fire and use him to light Cuban cigars for the first 2,000 attendees.

* Vote him into the baseball Hall of Fame, yet keep Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds out.

* Stick a pole up Castro’s arse, and parade his corpse around the stadium like a giant puppet.
Do you have any more ideas? Submit them in the comments section, and we’ll forward them to the city of Miami.

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